Cadence Tools - Which Linux do you advise???

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If your hardware is dated, then your choice is CentOS 3.6 .. as both Cadence and Synopsys offer their Software based on this OS .. still u can't use CentOS 4.x even if it's the latest because Cadence for example doesn't support this OS for all its tools .. just get to know that CentOS 3.x has a different Kernel from CentOS 4.x .. and there is guarentee of a backword compatibility ..

if your hardware is new .. then you need to struggle a bit .. u may try CentOS 3.6 but u have to search for the missing drivers on the internet or get them them specifically from vendors .. OR, what I heard is that SUSE is very strong from the drivers point of view .. it's much trouble-making than RedHat .. the latest is SUSE 10.0 ... but always chose the one before the latest as thi is the most likely supported by EDA Vendors .. they always lag the Operating Systems ..

RedHat Enterprise Linux 3 or 4 is the best choice. (Cadence recommendation)
RedHat 8.0 is also good. (Cadence will end their support in the future)

haemun said:
RedHat Enterprise Linux 3 or 4 is the best choice. (Cadence recommendation)
RedHat 8.0 is also good. (Cadence will end their support in the future)

RHEL 3 is Linux Recommendation , YES .. but I didn't hear about Cadence recommending RHEL 4 before !!!! do you have a link for that ?

rhel3 is based on kernel 2.4
while rhel4 2.6

I have install ic5141 in redhat 9

redhat will get support only for redhat 4 not 4 onwards

hi all,

better to use FEDORA7:idea:


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