cadence related - need equivalent component in Cadence

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Advanced Member level 4
Jul 30, 2008
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mixer multiplier component cadence

Hi there, guys

I need your help in finding an equivalent component in Cadence which does a multiplication between two analogic signals (a sinusoid and a rectangular signal). Similar to the signal in the image attached to this message.

Is there such a component predefined in Cadence ? or Is there a way that I could implement this ?


ahdllib multiplier

Use calculator and multiply the two signals if you are going to compare it with any other multiplier circuit or so.

if not and you are going to use it as a part of circuit design then use Verilog/VHDL - AMS models if you can make one.

Re: cadence related ...

I can't use the calculator ... I really need the component ... which tool in Cadence IC5033 can help me describe a behavioral component in VHDL ?

Re: cadence related ...


You can use the mixer structure to multiplier a square wave and a sinusoid, i attacched the gilbert cell mixer structure. You have to put the square wave on LO imput and the analog sinusoid on rf input

Re: cadence related ...

_SquiD_ said:
... which tool in Cadence IC5033 can help me describe a behavioral component in VHDL ?
You could use the multiplier from Cadence' functional or ahdlLib .
The ahdlLib/multiplier/ahdl view contains the VHDL code.

This may work well for the beginning (system simulations). But then you have to create the real thing anyway, so use e.g. macg84's gilbert cell mixer structure.

Re: cadence related ...

Does anybody have some papers about gilbert cell mixer structure for this particular case of mine ?


Added after 1 hours 5 minutes:

macg84 said:

You can use the mixer structure to multiplier a square wave and a sinusoid, i attacched the gilbert cell mixer structure. You have to put the square wave on LO imput and the analog sinusoid on rf input

How to size these transistors in gpdk .180n technology ? How big is Rload ?


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