Cadence IC5033 - post install problems with Redhat 9.0

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Newbie level 1
Jan 26, 2007
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Greetings all,

After installing Cadence IC5033 packaged by "the Dock" I get the following error in the redhat terminal: Incorrectly built binary which accesses errno, h_errno or _res directly. Needs to be fixed.

Also I keep getting and error about License recheck failing for Virtuoso, any ideas?


You may try to set LD_ASSUME_KERNEL to 2.4.1 before run icfb. For bash:
LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1 icfb &

Hi, I downloaded thedock version of cadence but some folders are missing, in the readme at some point you can read:

-From now on, you will have the following directories:

But I got only the IC5033 directory ( with Hacker inside ) but nothing else, where can I get those ( sometimes the Aptivia one is called VSD33 or something like that but I don't have it) ???

Does anyone know where I can find all others directory ?

I am trying to install on Mandrake 9.2 and it seems that matlab 6p1 is required as well, where can I get that ?

Please someone put me out of my misery with the right info ....



I am setuping cadence in Cent OS 4.5

Matlab is not required.

Take a look in 'how to install cadence IC5033 in redhat 9' here in edaboard

It will work well.

Do not forget ncompress and tar packages.

Good Luck

Finally after some month works ( not full time thanks God ) I managed to install the beast and magically, it run ....

The succesful steps till now are:

1. Installation of Cadence IC 5.0.33 (Virtuoso/Spectre/Dracula) OK( with err)
2. Installation of Cadence Aptivia OK
3. Installation of the Hacker Script OK
4. Installing Netscape 7.1 for Cadence Documentation viewing OK (with err)
5. Configuration of the Environment Variables OK ( thanks for bashrc )

After several attemps on creating the virtual links to tools.lnx86. Now I can start cadence with icfb &. Cool. ( I have to say thanks to bashrc file that I found ready to use in the downloaded packge ). Many thanks for this.

My problems now are

A) An errmsg on starting icfb &: ( maybe can be ignored )

ERRMSG: Cannot convert string "-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-arial--0-100-75-75-p-0-iso8859-1" into type FontStruc

B) I can't start csdoc &:


missing shared file libstdc++-libc6.2.2.s0.3
( maybe I have to run some library in compatibility or install this one but
I can't find it)

C) I can't follow the step:

6. Installation of the AMS HitKit 3.60

-Put your AMS license file amslmd.lic in the following directory:
> cp /home/thedock/CadenceInstall/AMS_HitKit_3.60/amslmd.lic /HitKit_3.60/License/

-Once the CD-ROM is mounted start the installation by entering the command:
> cd /home/thedock/CadenceInstall/AMS_HitKit_3.60/
> ./ams_install.linux

I couldn't find this package, I don't have /CadenceInstall/ does anyone now where to download it ? On edonkey there are several files, I don't mind re-download the whole thing ( IC5033/VSDE33/Script and so on it might take some other week !)

But there are so many Cadence files that I don't know which one, would be nice to find one with the AMS HitKit and Matlab6.5 that is missing as well, so I can complete all the steps )

Does anyone have a tip for where to find this ?

Please let me know,


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