Cadence IC5.0 version to IC50.33 upgrade - is it possible?

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Junior Member level 1
Jun 21, 2002
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Cadence upgrade

I have IC5.0 version. Is it possible to upgrade this version with ISR of IC50.33, or I need to have the base version of IC50.33 ?

Re: Cadence upgrade

The Cadence rule is that for each version you always need the Base version, and for update you need the LATEST [either ISR, QSR, etc...]

Re: Cadence upgrade

If you install over the previous version (base), you do not need the base CD for installation.
If want to install the ISR/QSR on a new directory, then you will need the base CD (IC5.0).


Re: Cadence upgrade

Yes , I have version 5.001, I think is the first version. So, is it possible to upgrade only with ISR 5.033 ? Of course, in the same hierarchy.

Re: Cadence upgrade

EACH version [5.001, 5.033, etc] needs its Base.

To be more specific:
1. A 5.001 installation can not be upgraded by a 5.033 ISR/QSR
2. A 5.033, if already installed, just needs a 5.033 ISR/QSR [no need for 5.033 Base]. However, if not installed, a 5.033 will first need the 5.033 Base to be installed, and then updated with the latest 5.033 ISR or QSR.

Capish ?

What's the exact meaning of ISR or QSR? I find their sizes are very large as the base. What's content in them?

You only need to install the latest Update of 5033. This update in cadence is a complete software.

NO,I cannot agree with you ! The update is not a complete version! The base is needed.

Re: Cadence upgrade

to flyinspace:

QSR - quaterly software rollup
ISR - interim software rollup

i don't know why these releases are so big, but these substitute a lot of packages.


Re: Cadence upgrade

If your company bought the C@dence's software, you would have upgrade servce.
They will give you a set of CD including Base. You'd better use this one, and download the most updated QSR/ISR.

Re: Cadence upgrade

I do not think you must have the base. cadence software is a complete package.

Re: Cadence upgrade

Again - the Cadence rule for same version "X.YZ" is:

You just need latest QSR or ISR or UPDATE for exisiting installation to be updated !
You need Base & latest QSR or ISR or UPDATE for new installation to be updated !

Cadence upgrade

u have to need the base version ! good luck!

Cadence upgrade

Thanks to all.
I am also clear about this issue

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