.c to .asm conversion

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Newbie level 2
May 30, 2012
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I m doing a project on ATMEL ATMEGA8, i have got got the code in C language, can I covert it into Assembly language? If yes, how?
Its very necessary to convert this because the course I am studying is assembly language programming. Please help.

conversion of .c to .asm

I am doing a project in assembly language but I have got the code in C language, can anyone plzzzzzz help me convert that into assembly language. Its very urgent. The .c code is attached


  • code.txt
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use the -S option in avr-gcc to get the assembler file for your C code (of course it will have the .s extension) but remember, if optimized, the assembler code from a C program is very complex. and many times it could be a pain to understand... also check the avr-libc documentation about C and ASM correlations.

---------- Post added at 09:43 ---------- Previous post was at 09:39 ----------

and also, remember, the assembler file generated, is a gcc-as assembler file, not an avrasm assembler file, (so you need to make some extra changes to assemble out of gcc)

and be careful as GCC treats a .s file as a temporary file (but a .S file as an stand alone assembler file, [yeah, the case of the 's' is important and very difficult to spot in windows])

the code is already on atmel's website in assembly. The code is meant for an AT90S1200 which is obsolete. The 90S1200 has no ram, therefore some changes need to be made to the code to work correctly in the atmega8. I successfully used this code with an AT90S8515 (which has sram).

So you will need to change the include file to the atmega8 as well as other changes to the timer configuration.
See datasheet.

I also have this code outputting the System Byte and the data byte to hyperterminal instead of portb.
Let me know if you need it.

;* A P P L I C A T I O N   N O T E   F O R   T H E   A V R   F A M I L Y
;* Number			: AVR410
;* File Name            :"rc5.asm"
;* Title                :RC5 IR Remote Control Decoder
;* Date                 :97.08.15
;* Version              :1.0
;* Support telephone    :+47 72 88 43 88 (ATMEL Norway)
;* Support fax          :+47 72 88 43 99 (ATMEL Norway)
;* Target MCU           :AT90S8515
;* This Application note describes how to decode the frequently used
;* RC5 IR remote control protocol.
;* The timing is adapted for 4 MHz crystal
;.include "1200def.inc"
.include "8515def.inc" ;change this to your device
;.include "m8def.inc"
.equ	INPUT		=2	;PD2
.equ	SYS_ADDR	=0	;The system address

.def	S	=R0
.def	inttemp	=R1
.def	ref1	=R2
.def	ref2	=R3

.def	temp	=R16

.def	timerL	=R17
.def	timerH	=R16

.def	system	=R19
.def	command	=R20

.def	bitcnt	=R21

.org 0
		rjmp	reset

;* "TIM0_OVF" - Timer/counter overflow interrupt handler
;* The overflow interrupt increments the "timerL" and "timerH"
;* every 64us and 16,384us.
;* Number of words:	7
;* Number of cycles:	6 + reti
;* Low registers used:	1
;* High registers used: 3
;* Pointers used:	0
.org OVF0addr
TIM0_OVF:	in	S,sreg
		inc	timerL		;Updated every 64us
		inc	inttemp
		brne	TIM0_OVF_exit

		inc	timerH

TIM0_OVF_exit:	out	sreg,S

;* Example program
;* Initializes timer, ports and interrupts.
;* Calls "detect" in an endless loop and puts the result out on
;* port B.
;* Number of words:	16
;* Low registers used:	0
;* High registers used: 3
;* Pointers used:	0

		ldi  temp,low(RAMEND)	;Initialize stackpointer
		out	SPL,temp			
		ldi 	temp,high(RAMEND)	; Commented out since 1200 does not have SRAM
		out	SPH,temp
		ldi	temp,1		;Timer/Counter 0 clocked at CK
		out	TCCR0,temp

		ldi	temp,1<<TOIE0	;Enable Timer0 overflow interrupt
		out	TIMSK,temp

		ser	temp			;PORTB as output
		out	DDRB,temp

		sei				;Enable global interrupt

		rcall	detect		;Call RC5 detect routine

		cpi	system,SYS_ADDR	;Responds only at the specified address
		brne	release

		andi	command,0x3F	;Remove control bit
		out	PORTB,command

		rjmp	main

release:	clr	command		;Clear PORTB
		out	PORTB,command
		rjmp	main

;* "detect" - RC5 decode routine
;* This subroutine decodes the RC5 bit stream applied on PORTD
;* pin "INPUT". 
;* If success: 	The command and system address are
;*			returned in "command" and "system".
;*			Bit 6 of "command" holds the toggle bit.
;* If failed: 	$FF in both "system" and "command"
;* Crystal frequency is 4MHz
;* Number of words:	72
;* Low registers used:	 3
;* High registers used:  6
;* Pointers used:	 0
		clr	inttemp
		clr	timerH

detect1:	clr	timerL

detect2:	cpi	timerH,8	;If line not idle within 131ms
		brlo	dl1
		rjmp	fault		;  then exit

dl1:		cpi	timerL,55	;If line low for 3.5ms
		brge	start1	;   then wait for start bit

		sbis	PIND,INPUT	;If line is
		rjmp	detect1	;   low  - jump to detect1
		rjmp	detect2	;   high - jump to detect2

		cpi	timerH,8	;If no start bit detected
		brge	fault		;within 130ms then exit

		sbic	PIND,INPUT	;Wait for start bit
		rjmp	start1

		clr	timerL		;Measure length of start bit
		cpi	timerL,17	;If startbit longer than 1.1ms,
		brge	fault		;   exit

		rjmp	start2
					;Positive edge of 1st start bit

		mov	temp,timerL	;timer is 1/2 bit time
		clr	timerL

		mov	ref1,temp
		lsr	ref1
		mov	ref2,ref1
		add	ref1,temp	;ref1 = 3/4 bit time
		lsl	temp
		add	ref2,temp	;ref2 = 5/4 bit time

		cp	timerL,ref1	;If high periode St2 > 3/4 bit time
		brge	fault		;   exit

		sbic	PIND,INPUT	;Wait for falling edge start bit 2
		rjmp	start3

		clr	timerL
		ldi	bitcnt,12	;Receive 12 bits
		clr	command
		clr	system

		cp	timerL,ref1		;Sample INPUT at 1/4 bit time
		brlo	sample

		rjmp	bit_is_a_1		;Jump if line high

		clc				;Store a '0'
		rol	command
		rol	system

						;Synchronize timing
		cp	timerL,ref2		;If no edge within 3/4 bit time
		brge	fault			;   exit
		sbis	PIND,INPUT		;Wait for rising edge
		rjmp	bit_is_a_0a		;in the middle of the bit

		clr	timerL
		rjmp	nextbit

		sec				;Store a '1'
		rol	command
		rol	system
						;Synchronize timing
		cp	timerL,ref2		;If no edge within 3/4 bit time
		brge	fault			;   exit
		sbic	PIND,INPUT		;Wait for falling edge
		rjmp	bit_is_a_1a		;in the middle of the bit

		clr	timerL

nextbit:	dec	bitcnt		;If bitcnt > 0
		brne	sample		;get next bit

;All bits sucessfully received!
		mov	temp,command	;Place system bits in "system"
		rol	temp
		rol	system
		rol	temp
		rol	system

		bst	system,5		;Move toggle bit
		bld	command,6		;to "command"

						;Clear remaining bits
		andi	command,0b01111111
		andi	system,0x1F
		ser	command		;Both "command" and "system"
		ser	system		;0xFF indicates failure

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