Building embedded web server

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Junior Member level 1
Mar 19, 2004
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i want to network-enable my device .

So i need to set up a web server.

what things i would require...
should i go with writing code of TCIP from srctch, take some OS and port it to some processor

what else i need to do. TELNET, SNMP ...

please guide.

connectone atmel

I have been trying to do some research about this subject, with a different idea to use it.

I want to use the web server concept and utilize it for a NAS (network area storage), or more simply said, i want to attach a Hard Disk Drive to a LAN (local area network).

Anyhow, take a look at the following project.
Hope is useful for your project.

**broken link removed**

Trying to program TCP/IP from scratch, is not practical if you do not have good resources.

IF you come up with any thoughts about my idea, i would like to hear from you.

Talk to you.

Added after 18 minutes:

take a look at these two other sites.

**broken link removed**


    Points: 2
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rcm3720 project

great sharing...

great concept...

i have started this coz now every embedded product are going network enabled.

So i want to learn this from scratch.

I am total dumb in networking...

still i am very optimistic that i ll complete this along with my official work.

this is my first day and i figured out that there are some IC have many networking facilities embedded in them.

So to get my work done quickly shd i interface these ICs or use only PHYCEIVER and code my own TCIP stack, dump SNMP,telnet... over it.
To provide service to multiple clients there must be someone in webserver to listen to their req. ans service them. so it can be done by multithread so...herecomes RTOS.

so at the end of today i have to figure out uC or uP, some paper pencil design

Infact i want my module to be able enough so that it can control/configure any embedded system/device (think of a camera/fire alarm...).

i'll usdate u regularly of my developments

giude web server using enc28j60

Well, just happen to be reading about this IC that can do the following. It just might fit your need.

"The small, 64-pin TQFP CO120SQ goes the distance in meeting M2M connectivity needs. Designed for 802.11b/g WiFi and 10/100BaseT LAN access, CO120’s firmware flavors enable a combination of up to 10 TCP/UDP sockets; two listen sockets; clients for HTTP, SMTP, and FTP; and the SerialNET™ port server operating mode for serial-to-IP bridging. A choice of locally or remotely updateable firmware is available, and protocol maintenance is free from Connect One. Firmware flavors for cellular and dial-up modem applications will be available in Q3.

iChip works with any host processor and any or no host RTOS. Since iChip offloads TCP/IP communications from the host application, minimum development time or IP expertise is required. Design-in time typically is one man-month.

It is called the iChip CO120SQ, the maker is Connect One.

You will find more info in its wesite:

You provably know this, but, take a look this site, Free RTOS.

Talk to you.


ichip web server


There is also a ready-made board called TINI by Dallas Semiconductor, which is about $50. It already contains a simple TCP/IP and UDP stack, and runs Java.
The demo board allows you to have a web server that displays the temperature.
(Search for TINI on google). I plan to erase the flash and use a C compiler though.

It is the size of a PC memory stick. It is only 10Mbit ethernet interface though,
and probably only powerful enough for simple applications, not large file or media

For wireless, the simplest way is to use a PCMCIA Wi-fi card, and use a microcontroller to interface to that. w m sell the boards and software
separately, but they are expensive. Someone needs to develop some open source simple interface, maybe using AVR or other microcontroller, and well documented C source code, for one of the popular wi-fi card chipsets.

embedded web server with pic


this is robin u can web enable ur device by using Rabbit microcontrollrer RCM3720
this is very good microcontroller i hv done my mini project on this and using Dynamic C u will be able to connect WEB with in 5 min .......and cost of this controller is also very low .....

robin singh


rabbit embedded web server

hello guys

someone know if the
Ethernet Connection Development Kit . Includes RCM3720 from Rabbit include Web Server ?


simple tcp/ip stack 18f

1) order a free sample of the ENC28J60 Ethernet Controller from microchip **broken link removed**

2) buy a RJ45 board connector with integrated magnetics.

3) download the free TCP/IP stack from microchip

4) order a free sample of any 18F PIC microcontroller which has a big internal memory.

there you have embedded webserver.

by the way, you can substitute 1) and 2) with buying from olimex

i hope that helps

webserver enc28j60 pic ccs

**broken link removed**

things to look for in an embedded web server

The Best & easiest way is to use Siteplayer Embedded web server.

I am using it for the past 3 yrs.

Its GR8!

Have a look at & click siteplayer server page (right bottom).

Contact me for any further query

Re: Embedded web server

read this article about using Atmel for Ethernet using Microchip ENC28J60.

its a good one, hope its useful.

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