Building BLUETOOTH-microcontroller Interface and Programming

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Newbie level 4
Oct 8, 2008
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bluetooth microcontroller

hi all,

i am doing a project which requires a bluetooth-microcontroller interface as one end of a bluetooth wireless communication system....... i m totally new to bluetooth technology..... so if u could pls help me with some answers, i would be very grateful..........

i shall either use PIC or 8051 microcontroller and ROK101 (which is a Bluetooth UART module)......... i need to know the foll. things to get started :

1) how to interface the microcontroller to the Bluetooth UART module ?

2) what all protocol stack or profiles (or any program/ softwares for that matter)will i have to write in the microcontroller for 'communicating' with the Bluetooth UART module ?

[ here 'communicating' includes :

1) setting the BT module in 'scan' mode so that it can detect any radio request for establishing connection with the other BT module(master).

2) all the necessary actions for acknowledging and establishing connection with that master BT module.

3) all actions necessary for receiving data (text message) from that master BT module and storing it in the microcontroller's memory.

thank u all in advance .......

bluetooth 8051 interface

hiiiiii....anyone pls do reply the above post...i too need the information about that

Re: bluetooth 8051 interface

err.. found the solution? its been around 2 yrs.. if yes, i need help!

UART bluetooth modules will have bluetooth stack inbuilt only thing is you have make propoer packets and send it via uart channel

Maybe going to 1 level easier is a good solution? I am using RFM12 modules and these are easy to get working (see link in my signature).

Quite some example code around the internet for these modules, you know.

Greetings Matthijs

you can use these bluetooth modules for interfacing

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