Build an Adder using VHDL

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Junior Member level 3
Jun 10, 2018
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My project is 16 bits ALU using VHDL

I am requested to build an adder but not using built-in function, I have to use my own functions and library

How can I start up with codes


start with the theory.
* are the input values signed or unsigned?
* how does a 1+1 bit adder work?
* do you need to generate carry flag and satus flags?
* then use a pencil and paper and draw a circuit for your 16 bit adder.
* maybe do some optimizations on your circuit
* write code
* test the code. Usual random values but additionally extreme values to thest the extreme situations. Always first write down the expected results, then do the test.

can you help me with that if you have a time, please? Actually, I am run of time

Thanks in Advance


not "I", but "we", the forum.

And "help" means: You do the job, and we "help" to find mistakes.
A forum can not replace school and your own will to read documents.
--> show what you have done and learned so far.

"time": We will help you to solve the technical problems, but the "time" probelm is yours. Remember: you get the informations for free.


You can find some hints in the Altera Advanced Synthesis Cookbook **broken link removed**

yes it is mine, but I want to built an adder

yes it is mine, but I want to built an adder


try to use XOR and AND logic function to buil 1-bit numbers adder with carry.

So you are trying to add: 0+0, 0+1, 1+0, 1+1

You have two outputs: bit position - after adding
carry bit - after adding

So now think how to use xor and and bool function for this purpose.

If yo have one bit adder with carry - you can build N bit adder to join 1-bit adders (with carry) N times.

It is easy ;-)


Hi B21hasni, that may help you **broken link removed**

Best Regards

How can I start up with codes

Any undergraduate digital design text-book teaches you how to build an adder using logic gates.

Study that and then apply that concept in VHDL to model the adder (you have to use the structural coding style rather than behavioral style).
In the text book the eg might be a 4 bits adder example, but the concept can easily be extended to 16 bits. If you are a beginner, just build a 4bits adder first and completely understand how it works.

So write you code, show us what you have done and for sure further help will be available thereafter.

Any undergraduate digital design text-book teaches you how to build an adder using logic gates.

According to their other post, this is their graduation project.

FYI, they currently have 3 threads on various aspects of the same project.

At this point I'll assuming they focused on something else (Analog/RF?) and this is the first time they've done a digital design, makes me wonder why they would chose or be directed to work on a graduation project they know nothing about (digital design, VHDL, ALUs, etc). Why aren't they designing a RF power amplifier or an Analog notch filter or something equally more suited to their course work/speciality.

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity adder is 
a : in std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
b : in std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
s : out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
cf : out std_logic;
ovf : out std_logic
end adder;

architecture adder of adder is
process (a,b)
variable temp: std_logic_vector (16 downto 0);
temp := ('0'& a) + ('0'& b);
s<= temp(15 downto 0);
cf<= temp(16);
ovf<= temp(15) xor a(15) xor b(15) xor temp (16);
end process;
end adder;

can we say the design above is an adder???

Ovf is useless, as you have a cf output that covers the overflow. The Current OVF bit is just confusing and wrong:

x7FFF + x7FFF = cf=0, s=x"FFFE" and OVF = 1
xFFFF + xFFFF = cf = 1, s=x"FFFE" and OVF = 0

What are you trying to detect with the overflow?

can I say, this design is an adder??

if I remove ovf what do I have to put instead of ovf<= temp(15) xor a(15) xor b(15) xor temp (16);

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