Breast cancer detection using neural network in matlab

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Newbie level 3
Aug 11, 2015
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hello all sorry for bothering i have some question im doing a research on classification of brest cancer as malignant or benign using pattern recognition in neural network im so beginner at that field i tried to use gui neural network and i can only use the sample data set of brest cancer and i train the network and then what? idont know and i dont know how to make my own data set of breast cancer is that even possible to make my own brest cancer data set please help
1 im lost

Before deciding which algorithm to use for this classification, you must first understand how you analyze the data to see if/how the information obtained can be used for this purpose. It is not unlikely that even before starting the analysis of the data is necessary to perform a pre-processing of the images, such as resizing, color changing, blurring, etc ...

A field of computational science not often mentioned is the Data Minning, the covers concepts that can qualitatively evaluate the data sets and to group them into separable categories that can better represent the cluster to which a sample belongs. A useful tool in this subject is the Weka, which natively has several algorithms commonly used, so that you can assess which one will take in your case.

thanks for the reply.. the problem is my supervisor needs me to use neural network (pattern recognition tool) in matlab to classify the breast cancer while need me to make a data set how is that possible!! :'(

I was looking for it not so long ago, but once in my case it was not a professional project, but only as a hobby, I did not insist on this search. Anyway, if you get successful, please share the ink here :-?

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