boost converter with SCR

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Newbie level 5
Feb 16, 2011
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hey all,

i want to build a project boost convert 10 v ---> 200 volt, 10 A using SCR,
but when i looking for the schematic, i can't find schematic that using SCR ( the most is mosfet).

it is possible if i change the mosfet into SCR?

if it is..what type SCR should i use?? and how is the schema?

As the most serious problem, a SCR can't be turned off without an additional "extinguishing" circuit. If turn-off fails, the input voltage will be shorted and can be only interrupted by a fuse. In addition, a SCR has a on-state voltage above 1 V, which is quite a lot with 10 V input.
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No, an SCR can't work as the switch, since it will never turn off.
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No, an SCR can't work as the switch, since it will never turn off.
It can't work as a single switch similar to a transistor, at least. A dual SCR switch design has been used for first generation of semiconductor line output stages with color TV (in the 70th). I've also seen industrial ultrasonic and HV generators, either using dual SCR or single SCR in a resonant circuit. But there has been always a certain risk, that the SCR didn't turn off in an abnormal load situation, at least blowing a fuse or possibly itself.

In my opinion, it's an interesting technology to be mentioned in an electronic museum.

We also have GTO-SCRs in high power electronics, e.g. MW inverters for HV DC transmission. But that's another topic.
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Right, the only exception I could think of would be some kind of quasiresonant converter. Having a SCR then might be nice since it guarantees ZCS turn off.
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