blockers and interferes

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May 24, 2008
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how to define the levels of the blockers and interferes in a free band of frequency ?

Please can someone help me

Thanks you for comprehension

Hello, fasto2008.
Please specify what did you mean, is it out of range blockers and interferers level, or the same but in therms and specifications for unlicensed wireless?

Hello Izeek,

The problem is how to define the levels of the blockers and interferes in a frequency band between 863 and 870 MHZ, because it is not indicates in the standard wireless.
we have:
Frequency band = 7MHZ(863-870 MHZ)
sensivity@1% : -102dBm
Number of channels: 58
maximum output power:0dB(1mW)
how we can define Adjacent channel rejection, Alternate channel rejection ?

Thanks for help

I think you take the problem in the wrong way. You can´t define the levels of blockers and interferers. These blockers are present and you have to define the level of your system´s imunity. This will be a specification of your system. To know it, you can make a simulation of BER raising the blocker level.

Profile blockers specifications

This is a profile blockers for standard GSM:

how we can define profile blockers specifications for unlicensed wireless ?
This an example for unlicensed wireless:
we have a free band frequency 7MHZ (863-870 MHZ), sensitvity@1% is -102dBm, maximum output power is 0dB(1mW) and Modulation is BFSK.
Can someone indicate me the profile blockers of standard ZIGBEE (902-928MHZ)

Thanks for comprehension
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Re: Profile blockers specifications


Can someone help me to found the profile of blockers specifications for the standards ZIGBEE.

Thanks for comprehension

From my knowledge only cellular systems as (GSM, WCDMA, WiMAX, CDMA, etc.) and Bluetooth, have RF specifications for blocking. But this doesn't means that other RF systems will work fine with any blocker present at the input.
See the attachment for Bluetooth blocking requirements, and you can implement somehow for Zigbee.
The blocking signal is CW and the wanted signal is 3dB above the sensitivity level.

hello vfone,

It is a good idea to have a specification blocking for bluetooth.
Do you have any document to more explain ?

Thanks for comprehension

see page 23
**broken link removed**


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Thanks vfone for document, but my application is for Frequency band between 863MHZ and 870 MHZ.

Can someone help me how we can build blockers and interferes for this application:
Frequency band = 7MHZ(863-870 MHZ)
sensivity@1% : -102dBm
maximum output power:0dB(1mW)

Thanks for help

Hello ,
After a long a research i find the standard interferer profiles for 802.15.4 as shown in this figure.

But the frequency band is not indicated.

Can someone help me

Thanks for help

The delta 0M denotes the certer freq of used freq band in the 802.15.4 standard.

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