Blind and Buried VIA in PCAD2006

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Member level 5
Aug 24, 2009
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I'm new in using Blind and Buried VIA. Can someone help me on how to setup blind and buried via in PCAD2006.

I've tried configuring settings in these commands but i'm not sure if i'm correct.
- Via Styles (Modify Complex), Modify Hole Range

Can you give me example?

Also, can you help me on how to set up N/C Drill Files and set up drill table for fabrication. Thank you.

Hello Bert,

1) Setup--> Padstack properties
2) Select pad type as Via
3) Create new via add name and select the partial field
4) This will enable you to select the start and the end layer for via
Than in your design you can add via and change to any via.


Added after 5 minutes:

Following is the procedure provided in the Help file,
you can refer to Pads Help for more information.

Add/Edit CAM Document Dialog Box
Use the Add or Edit Document dialog box to define a CAM document. The only difference between the two dialog boxes is that the Edit CAM Document dialog box opens populated with the information from the selected document, while the ADD CAM Document dialog box opens empty.

File Menu > CAM > Add button

NC Drill Setup Dialog Box
Use the NC Drill Setup dialog box to set Excellon output or Drill Listing parameters.

File Menu > CAM > Add button > select NC Drill from the Document Type list > Drill button > Device Setup button

File Menu > CAM > Select a document name > Edit button > > select NC Drill from the Document Type list > Drill button > Device Setup button

I think i have mistaken it to pads

Best to use examples to explain

HI Bert,

* To create a new via, go to Options -> Via Style the select the default Via style and click on copy to the right side of the pop up window. Another pop up window appears were u need to give the name. After creating the new style select it and click on modify simple where u can edit the via size.

* To create a NC DRILL file, go to File -> export -> NC DRILL click on setup output files which will open a new window. select both layers under layers box and give the file extension as NCD and say ADD. now close the setup output files window.
Still the export N/C drill window will be opened click on TOOLS and click on AUTO and close it and click on Generate Output Files tab. Thos will create an aaaa.NCD file which is ur NC DRILL file.

* For creating DRILL CHART, File -> export -> Gerber -> setup output files. select the xxxx.FB file under output file window. now select TOP, BOTTOM, BOARD, MECHANICAL1, TITLE and FAB under layers box and make sure PADS, VIAS, PAD/via holes, Ref des and titles boxes are enabled. and say modify, close the window. And now in the export gerber window click on Apertures give size as 10mill and click AUTO and close. now click Drill symbols and click on Automatic Assign. now u can generate the fabrication file by clicking generate output files. And before clicking generate output files tab, be sure u selected only XXXXX.FB file under the output files box.



Thanks for your response for my inquiry. I am somewhat familiar with the process you said. can you elaborate more?

here are some of the things im not really sure.
if ever i had a stack up of TOP,GND,INT1,INT2,VCC,BOT

1.) if i want a blind via from TOP to GND. will i set INT1, INT2, VCC & BOT as No Connect? just like from what I attached? [/img]

2.) if i want a buried via from INT1 to INT2. will i set TOP, GND, VCC & BOT as No Connect? just like fromt what I attached?

3.)when exporting N/C Drill. will i separate N/C Drill for every kind of blind and buried via? example: 1 N/C Drill for blind via from TOP to GND, 1 N/C Drill for blind via from BOT to VCC, 1 N/C Drill for buried via from INT1 to INT2 etc....

4.) how will i create a drill table located on the fabrication notes? will i separate it just like #3 or just 1 drill table.

Thank you very much.

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