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Biological hazards of RF radiations

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Full Member level 4
Jan 21, 2003
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At GSM or WLL our skull cavity resonates and at bluetooth frequency our hidogen oxizen bond of water resonates. I thought those mobiles are using microstrip antenna and which may protect our head. Now I measured the patten and saw almost omnidirectional. Tried to shield but since the shield is placed at funny near field it also starts radiating. How to get rid of almost half of 500 mW power which is penetrating our head?? Actually I should not have performed those experiments because now RF fobia coming over me [What will be the shape human beings after 2-3 generations].

Now just think what is happening to the people who are living to very near to a radiating antenna of several W or KW.

Want to know your precious comments regarding these issue. Because I have seen 100s of web page are against those radiations and also seen 100s of pages who tells to ignore these. I know people like me are very cheap for those multi billionier companies and hence want to discuss it freely here.

:!: :idea: :?:

use earphone

This is one of the reasons that all new sets come with earphones so that the antenna can be distant from the body. This helps drivers keep their attention on the road conditions as well.

All that the research can tell is the body heating. There is no research on what the heating causes or even if it is a benefit.

It is possible that this is one of nature's ways of improving society. People who talk a lot on the phone are damaged and those who don't are not.

You may have heard of the old adage "diarrhea of the mouth means constipation of the brain."

Re: use earphone

flatulent said:
This is one of the reasons that all new sets come with earphones so that the antenna can be distant from the body. This helps drivers keep their attention on the road conditions as well.

But most of the time we are keeping the radiator somewhere attached to our body!!

flatulent said:
All that the research can tell is the body heating. There is no research on what the heating causes or even if it is a benefit.

No, many research have been done. I have seen many papers which says that these causes cancers.

flatulent said:
It is possible that this is one of nature's ways of improving society. People who talk a lot on the phone are damaged and those who don't are not.

Yes, and we should not allow companies to install high power antennas next to our buildings. Otherwish like passive smoking the radiation may cook us 24 hr a day.

flatulent said:
You may have heard of the old adage "diarrhea of the mouth means constipation of the brain."

Nice quote :)

RF is [Really Funny]

:!: :idea: :?:

it all depends

The main concern I have heard is that items around your head, like your eyes and brain, are more sensitive to radiation.

The cancer bit I do not believe. Evidently, government agencies do not as well or they would pass laws requiring phones to be used with earphones.

As far as antennas on buildings, they have directional beams and there is the inverse square law. You get more radiation from the sun and that is known to cause skin cancer.

Re: it all depends

flatulent said:
The cancer bit I do not believe. Evidently, government agencies do not as well or they would pass laws requiring phones to be used with earphones.

Believe is may be a different thing from fact. The earth was believed to be a flat plane for a long while. Leave those stupid govt agencis.

flatulent said:
As far as antennas on buildings, they have directional beams and there is the inverse square law. You get more radiation from the sun and that is known to cause skin cancer.

I think you have never seen people working near a high power antenna. The reality is far different from your assumptions.

:!: :idea: :?:

At my company we had a "RF training / presentation" and the only thing
you really have to look out for is if you feel discomfort (Heating) when in
a RF field you should not stay. Using a head set is good.
With the head set you should tie a knot in the wire leading to
you head, this is like a RF choke, becase the line can be an antenna.


three data points

I have three data points on high RF power.

1. One of my elderly friends spent the first 18 years of his life living very near the antenna farm (and taking walks amongst the towers) of his countries foreign short wave broadcast service which used numerous 100 kW transmitters operating all around the clock. He has excellent health.

2. When I served in the military many years ago I worked at a microwave relay site that had several 10 kW and several 1 kW transmitters feeding large ground mounted reflectors. (These were tropo scater links.) All of us lived in wooden buildings about 75 m away from the antennas and in the beam of one of the links. None of us got ill and to this day I have superb health for my age and better than any of my past family when they were my age.

3. The microwave oven safety standard of 10 mW/cm^2 is higher than the side lobe radiation from building top cell site antennas. Microwave ovens have been in common use for over 20 years world wide and there has been no evidence that they ruin people's health.

I'll tell you a story....
Once graduated in Microwave I start joining with a radar firm....
Testing magnetrons I heard a sound like a gentle knoching on my ears repeating about two-four times a second....The strangest thing was that someone could hear that sound and someone not...To tell the truth that sound was produced by thermal stress on brain tissues induced by EM radiation and the strangest thing is that some people had worked in that firm and heard that sount for fifty years and nobody told them wath it was!
This is to tell you that the scientist don't know the effects of some exposure rates and in this situation nobody is kept informed.....
Have a nice day! MRM


RF is strange. My mother could receive morse code with her dental fillings.

The hearing effect could have been from the magnetic radiation from the pulse forming network used to pulse the magnetrons. Hearing is an electrical effect via the nerves. Nerves transmit signals by pulses and not continuous analog signals. Modern RADAR systems enclose the pulse forming network in a box of solid iron with walls at least one cm thick.

How was the magnetron testing done?

When you heard the tappng sound, was the other real acoustic sounds from the area around you reduced?

Re: three data points

flatulent said:
I have three data points on high RF power.

1. One of my elderly friends spent the first 18 years of his life living very near the antenna farm (and taking walks amongst the towers) of his countries foreign short wave broadcast service which used numerous 100 kW transmitters operating all around the clock. He has excellent health.

2. When I served in the military many years ago I worked at a microwave relay site that had several 10 kW and several 1 kW transmitters feeding large ground mounted reflectors. (These were tropo scater links.) All of us lived in wooden buildings about 75 m away from the antennas and in the beam of one of the links. None of us got ill and to this day I have superb health for my age and better than any of my past family when they were my age.

Probably they are not those dengerous frequencies. At lower frequency almost nothing will absorbed. If the frequency is nearly 2.4 GHz or 60 GHz that man would not exist.

flatulent said:
3. The microwave oven safety standard of 10 mW/cm^2 is higher than the side lobe radiation from building top cell site antennas. Microwave ovens have been in common use for over 20 years world wide and there has been no evidence that they ruin people's health.

I have even saw people lives at the main lobe direction of antenna.

Microwave oven also ruins but in a different way you may not know thay kills the food values especially some vitamines. And also even milk for a baby should not be wormed by it.

:!: :idea: :?:

Element_115 said:
At my company we had a "RF training / presentation" and the only thing
you really have to look out for is if you feel discomfort (Heating) when in
a RF field you should not stay. Using a head set is good.
With the head set you should tie a knot in the wire leading to
you head, this is like a RF choke, becase the line can be an antenna.


That is another way of making people fool. The beauty of our brain is that "IT CAN NOT SENSE HEAT OR TOUCH OR SMELL OR LIGHT or any energy". You can just cook a part of your brain without sensing anything.

:!: :idea: :?:

mrm said:
I'll tell you a story....
Once graduated in Microwave I start joining with a radar firm....
Testing magnetrons I heard a sound like a gentle knoching on my ears repeating about two-four times a second....The strangest thing was that someone could hear that sound and someone not...To tell the truth that sound was produced by thermal stress on brain tissues induced by EM radiation and the strangest thing is that some people had worked in that firm and heard that sount for fifty years and nobody told them wath it was!
This is to tell you that the scientist don't know the effects of some exposure rates and in this situation nobody is kept informed.....
Have a nice day! MRM

Dear mrm,

This is a nice personal experience. I just want to know the frequency used in these devices and there wattage and the maximum distances form where you can sense those sounds.


:!: :idea: :?:

after working with rf for 15 years or so
i thought i must be firing blanks as i had no kids

then one sprung up so i know
sterelity didnt happen too me

but as for rf being dangerious too tissues

yes i would have too air on the side of caution

and ban any radio device that emmits more than 300mw at > 300 mhz including the mobile phone

i hate mobile phones
they spoil my scanner reception and interfere with other users so far being responsible for 40 people + dieing of heart cesures becouse the person on the bus next too them had a mobile in there pocket and they had a heart rhythmia pacemaker

i frightened my self one day
by doing some simple calculations based on the amount of radios i had sold and serviced

in one year 1990 i sold 167 radios most > 10 watt rms output

if i took say 2 % of the business for my country man thats alot of radios and just the pmr type etc

all > 10 watts out
not phones
some are 25w rms with handheld arout 2.5 - 4.5 some are 7watts

doing some quick sums of rms power you soon reach the billions of watts per second

after this i went looking for stats for europe as a whole

on the european commision website i found them

and my god
in europe only per second there is enough rf energy per sec flying about to heat a small country like luxumberg for a whole year

something like 220,000,000 terra watts per sec
enough too cook a few potatoe chips

this works out at heeps of erp
i cant dreem up a figure but 220T X say 10 db gain relative too gnd
on average
no wonder we are all loosing our hair as a species
my skin always prickels and i feel the cling of rf on my skin the closer i stand near a mobile phone

the more intense the field

but saturated our atmosphere is.....

i think rf effects are very like strong isotope radiation
it is the background level that is realy the important one
hot spots like london and paris etc too be avoided

people instantly argue that any freq ~ or greather than 30 MHz travel's mostly straight through our atmosphere

but realy they forget that most freq above 30 mhz use antenns designed for clinging too earth....
and high power line of sight stuff

so are infact very much more dangerious
as these type of antenna structure rf like a colubator does too a laser
a columbator stacks one wave set ontop of another
while maintaining freq and phase reltivity in lasers and bi fringance light freq mixers

colinear antenna being a prime example of a columbator at radio freq

Re: fillings

flatulent said:
RF is strange. My mother could receive morse code with her dental fillings.

The hearing effect could have been from the magnetic radiation from the pulse forming network used to pulse the magnetrons. Hearing is an electrical effect via the nerves. Nerves transmit signals by pulses and not continuous analog signals. Modern RADAR systems enclose the pulse forming network in a box of solid iron with walls at least one cm thick.

How was the magnetron testing done?

When you heard the tappng sound, was the other real acoustic sounds from the area around you reduced?

i know a guy who was put in the assilum becouse he recieved radio 1 24 hrs a day on his fillings


i got all mine drilled and gold and white plastic ones

i hate some of the dj's anthough the ability too switch it off set the time etc and the alarm time etc is missing so make's for a bad life

this is so funny .....

i think if you could ask her
it seems too get worse in thunder storms
more intense .....

i think many people will be cabbages by the time
they twig they are cooking there cavitys .......

no wonder altzimers desease is increasing in numerious places

it is the voltage & current nodes and antinodes crossing point
on badly tuned antennas that cause cancer

giving rise too big node points in the atmosphere around an antenns

i bet the flatulents antenna farm guy

didnt travel spaces of more than 1 lamda from each antenna at the given freq

DB falls the further away you get

but node pin power increases
esp from a fixed rigid antanna

causeing some brush fires and can also blow up petrol stations tanks

My friend had to repaired something at TV tower during transmitting (approx. 100kW input RF power). He was climbing very close to directional antennas and he tells that he has felt heat on his body..
His electric torch's bulb has burned up 8O
Yes, it was a bit dangerous and it happened years ago.
He's still living...


extra data

In answer to the question/statements above.

1. The 10 kW microwave links were operating near 1700 MHz.

2. The father of my elderly friend worked at the transmitting site. their house was inside the antenna farm property and my friend walked up close enough to the antennas that he could notice that the grass grew better near the ground system.

3. My mother's morse code experience was only when we lived near a military base for a year.

High power RF has been around for 100 years now. In the early days 100 kW was the standard transmitter power level. In comparison, it took much less time for workers with atomic material to get ill frequently enough to deduce that radium and other materials were a health problem.

Re: extra data

flatulent said:
1. The 10 kW microwave links were operating near 1700 MHz.

Not very secure too. Though no question of resonence but dielectric heating is dominant here.

flatulent said:
2. The father of my elderly friend worked at the transmitting site. their house was inside the antenna farm property and my friend walked up close enough to the antennas that he could notice that the grass grew better near the ground system.

Maybe there was a null because at other places grass could not grow with same ratio. Flatulent, there are manything which you cannot know. Like your friends father's unnatural headache which he never told you people. Don't take it lightly which is also possible.

flatulent said:
High power RF has been around for 100 years now. In the early days 100 kW was the standard transmitter power level. In comparison, it took much less time for workers with atomic material to get ill frequently enough to deduce that radium and other materials were a health problem.

You are right but radium or radioactive radiation is not a present everywhere like todays RF radiation.

:!: :idea: :?:

Sorry for this delay:
The item was a shipborne radar, operating at about 7,2GHz and the phenomenon has found at distance from the source from about two-three up to ten meters

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