best way to learn HDL

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Junior Member level 3
Oct 20, 2010
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I am looking to learn some HDL for a small project, but which way to turn? Should I go more towards VHDL or Verilog - what does most of the industry use?

Also, I would appreciate any pointers to primers or tutorials in workflows, programming and simulation of these devices (I already have a reasonably good knowledge of microcontrollers and writing C code)


It would be better if you can install the Xilinx webpack and read the quick start guide ISE WebPack Software

Then you will be able to decide it after having some hands-on experience with FPGA design

It would be better if you can install the Xilinx webpack and read the quick start guide ISE WebPack Software

Then you will be able to decide it after having some hands-on experience with FPGA design

That sounds like a good plan, would that help me with the language syntax? Also, I am using a CPLD device, is there mucyh difference between that and an FPGA?


That sounds like a good plan, would that help me with the language syntax? Also, I am using a CPLD device, is there mucyh difference between that and an FPGA?


Googling "cpld vs fpga" should give you some idea. Short version: fpga's for large designs, cpld for small designs.

In principle the verilog/vhdl will not really be dependent on you choosing a cpld or fpga as target. As bassa said, getting ISE is a good way to get a free intro and try out some verilog/vhdl. Personally I like verilog better, but I guess it depends on your programming history and local market place.

I've just come to that conclusion after some time reading references on various websites. I think that I will be staying with CPLD as the applications I will be designing are not really going to justify the complexity of a full-blown FPGA, but I notice that I can still use low to medium density FPGAs with the WebPack software.

I think I will try some sample apps in each language and see which one suits me much as you imply that programming these devices seems to be pretty language independant.

thanks for your help so far people.


there are nice tutorials in Verilog and VHDL for beginners available from Aldec-ahdl. It calls evita. I suppose you can get it also with a student version of the aldec ahdl software.
Excellent link tupadupa, thank you very much.

I couldn't find out how much the full featured software costs, but the tutorials look good, I shall be playing with the student edition software very soon.

Thanks again!


I have also started learning using Xilinx CPLD XC9536 and XC9572 and ISE , if at some point you need more macrocells you should also check the Altera MAXII CPLD which i feel are more advanced and provide 192, 440, 980, 1700 macrocells with very fast clocks.

Also maybe these links will help
Welcome To VHDL Page
Welcome To Verilog Page

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