being multi intrested is danguruous ?

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Full Member level 5
Oct 18, 2009
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being multi interested is dangerous ?

Is it dangerous to be a multi interested person like me?

I'm 22 year old. I cant leave with out any of those. is there any wrong in this. or can I have nice opportunity ? or I'm an Eadiot?

I'm interested in


Electronic circuit design.(I have made robots , AMPs ....)(Digital and Analogue )

Programming. C,C++ Java ASM.(I have developed Physics engine,Games ....)

Image processing(I have done some image processing work in OpenCV and matlab).

Computer Networks. ( understanding the working of computer networks and INTERNET )

Web designing.( that is understanding the working of web pages.)


Astronomy.(I have many ideas since child hood even now I always think about it during nights very strongly)

Animation (I have did many awesome animation work since my child hood)

VHDL, Verilog.


film making.( short films.... not yet)

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You are not alone.
I suffered almost the same disease at my youth, but now I´m cured.


I agree, you are not alone. But, on the bright side, you only have 3 to 5 years to worry about it. There is nothing more pitiful than a man in his 30's with a family who doesn't know what he is going to do to support them, to give them the life he would dream of.

Remember, cutting across technologies can be beneficial -- like a physicist who becomes a physician and develops new imaging technologies.

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I think being interested in much is a good thing as long as you manage your time. A person that knows a lot about one thing is not as good of a conversationalist as a person with multiple interests.

Whatever you do right now, it almost certainly will not be what you do all your life.

A social commentator says: Set out to do the highest thing you can do, at which you would be most difficult to replace.

You're in a position to combine your talents in a project that requires total integration of all its parts. Whereas if several people were working on it, it might not be completed, or it would be done inefficiently.

Say, to build an artificial organ. Or improve an existing design.

To construct microbots and program them.

To do something spectacular with these recently discovered compounds such as graphene.


There will be times you wish you didn't have to work for a boss. However if you run your own business, you'll have to administer a lot of things that are not what you enjoy doing. There is no easy solution.

Try to protect your work. At least for a while. This isn't always 100% feasible. Basically this means you should have a chance to profit from your efforts, before someone else does either with your permission or without it.

You should get rid of it as fast as you can and focus on one thing which you know the best and like to do.
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