Authority which sets physical standards for ICs

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Newbie level 1
Oct 8, 2014
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There should be an authority or organisation which decided the physical standards for ICs, for example how many pins will there be in 7400 NAND gate IC or in 7404 NOT gate. The companies which manufactures ICs must be manufacturing them on the basis of one common agreed upon standard. Can anyone please tell me which organisation sets this standard and where can we get this data for each and every standard IC.


JEDEC are doing a lot of that work these days, but I suspect that back when the 74 series were new and dynosaurs roamed the earth it was probably a case of one manufacturer (Possibly TI or National or someone like that) bringing out logic in this new fangled (and scary fast, propagation times below 100ns) TTL stuff and everyone else jumping on board.

I would note that there HAVE been instances where components having the same part number from diffrent manufacturers have had different behaviour.

There is not (and should not be) an authority in such things, but you try selling a memory chip that does not have JEDEC pinning and signalling levels....

Regards, Dan.

Are you sure? While the package may well have been inherited I am pretty sure TTL was later then DTL and RTL in the development of such things.

Regards, Dan.

Are you sure? While the package may well have been inherited I am pretty sure TTL was later then DTL and RTL in the development of such things.

Regards, Dan.
Sorry, I used the wrong word. The old TTL 74xx series were preceded by DTL and RTL logic ICs in the same physical package.

It is called the free market and competition. Ultimately you see that someone else has good business at you guestimate 60% margin. You think, I know we can do that to and make a copy part to their spec and sell it at a lower price to take market share. Now the copy part is never the same as the original. It might appear so in the datasheet.

- - - Updated - - -

BSI (British Standards Institute) tried to standardise electronic component specs the earlier days and then gave up because industry was evolving so quickly.

For instance BC8xxx, BCXxxx BCPxxx transistors etc come from then.

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