ATMEL to PIC code converter ???

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Member level 3
Sep 7, 2006
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pic to atmel convertor

hi all.

i wonder, is there a software that can convert mc codes one to another?

i mean, for example, converting ATMEL codes to PIC ones or vice versa.

is it possible? if yes, how?

thanks in advance.

convert atmel code to pic

i dont think that such program will exist

atmel assembler to c converters

i dont think so .Because of architectural.But maybe with c it might be possible.


I havn't seen such one...

Even porting C porgram to PIC is not so easy


it is might be possible in high level languages but with small modifications

but in assembly i dont think so

it is might be possible in high level languages

I don't think it's possible even from c because pic use different library from that of atmel.

from the graph theory point of view is always possible to do that ..But from the comercial point of view i don't see a BIG NEED for it !

Intel used to provide that type of migrating tool from the 8051 to 80196 16 bit line of micros ..But there was a market strategy

there used to be a software at:
though I never used it, but recently its seems their website is not working you could try:

i am always wandring about those people like you
are you so lazy to transfer the code your self
imho if such a software is avialable and you used thats mean you aren'gt embedded designer you are embedded lazy how use others work in other processor

if the program is in C then it is to convert ....... just change the bits and bytes assignments

I think that even if you get Atmel to PIC convertor , but you have to check I/O port of base MCU and modified MCU.
If you program in C you no need to use convertor, you just change port setting. And comply in Keil for Atmel, MPLAB for PIC.
But if you program in ASM I think you can use ASM to C convertor to get C code.

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