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i am working on a project called touch switch...i am using QT600-ATTINY88-QT8 evaluation board...i am enabling two keys...and using those keys.... iwant to toggle portd3 and portd4 for GET_SENSOR_STATE(6), AND PORTB6 and PORTB7 for GET_SENSOR_STATUS(7)......can anyone please help me..why it is not is my code...
i am working on a project called touch switch...i am using QT600-ATTINY88-QT8 evaluation board...i am enabling two keys...and using those keys.... iwant to toggle portd3 and portd4 for GET_SENSOR_STATE(6), AND PORTB6 and PORTB7 for GET_SENSOR_STATUS(7)......can anyone please help me..why it is not is my code...
include files
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#define __delay_cycles(n) __builtin_avr_delay_cycles(n)
#define __enable_interrupt() sei()
/* now include touch api.h with the localization defined above */
#include "touch_api.h"
//#include "QDebug.h"
//#include "QDebugTransport.h"
manifest constants
type definitions
/* initialise host app, pins, watchdog, etc */
static void init_system( void );
/* configure timer ISR to fire regularly */
static void init_timer_isr( void );
/* Assign the parameters values to global configuration parameter structure */
static void qt_set_parameters( void );
static void gangswitch(void);
Structure Declarations
#define GET_SENSOR_STATE(SENSOR_NUMBER) qt_measure_data.qt_touch_status.sensor_states[(SENSOR_NUMBER/8)] & (1 << (SENSOR_NUMBER % 8))
#define GET_ROTOR_SLIDER_POSITION(ROTOR_SLIDER_NUMBER) qt_measure_data.qt_touch_status.rotor_slider_values[ROTOR_SLIDER_NUMBER]
global variables
unsigned int gMsTimeout;// The ms timeout variable,
// only access with NOT_TIMEDOUT and SET_TIMEOUT
/* Timer period in msec. */
uint16_t qt_measurement_period_msec = 25u;
extern uint16_t timestamp1_hword;
extern uint16_t timestamp1_lword;
extern uint16_t timestamp2_hword;
extern uint16_t timestamp2_lword;
extern uint16_t timestamp3_hword;
extern uint16_t timestamp3_lword;
#endif */
extern variables
/* This configuration data structure parameters if needs to be changed will be
changed in the qt_set_parameters function */
extern qt_touch_lib_config_data_t qt_config_data;
/* touch output - measurement data */
extern qt_touch_lib_measure_data_t qt_measure_data;
/* Get sensor delta values */
extern int16_t qt_get_sensor_delta( uint8_t sensor);
static variables
/* flag set by timer ISR when it's time to measure touch */
static volatile uint8_t time_to_measure_touch = 0u;
/* current time, set by timer ISR */
volatile uint16_t current_time_ms_touch = 0u;
Name : main
Purpose : main code entry point
Input : n/a
Output : n/a
Notes :
int main( void )
/*status flags to indicate the re-burst for library*/
uint16_t status_flag = 0u;
uint16_t burst_flag = 0u;
timestamp1_hword = current_time_ms_touch;
timestamp1_lword = (uint16_t)TIMER_COUNTER_L;
timestamp1_lword |= (uint16_t)(TIMER_COUNTER_H << 8);
#endif */
/* initialise host app, pins, watchdog, etc */
/* Config sensors */
qt_enable_slider( CHANNEL_0, CHANNEL_2, NO_AKS_GROUP, 10u, HYST_6_25, RES_8_BIT, 0u );
qt_enable_rotor( CHANNEL_3, CHANNEL_5, NO_AKS_GROUP, 10u, HYST_6_25, RES_8_BIT, 0u );
qt_enable_key( CHANNEL_6, NO_AKS_GROUP, 10u, HYST_6_25 );
qt_enable_key( CHANNEL_7, NO_AKS_GROUP, 10u, HYST_6_25 );
/* initialise touch sensing */
/* Address to pass address of user functions */
/* This function is called after the library has made capacitive measurements,
* but before it has processed them. The user can use this hook to apply filter
* functions to the measured signal values.(Possibly to fix sensor layout faults) */
qt_filter_callback = 0;
/* Initialize debug protocol */
/* Process commands from PC */
// QDebug_ProcessCommands();
/* loop forever */
for( ; ; )
{ if( time_to_measure_touch )
time_to_measure_touch = 0u;
timestamp2_hword = current_time_ms_touch;
timestamp2_lword = (uint16_t)TIMER_COUNTER_L;
timestamp2_lword |= (uint16_t)(TIMER_COUNTER_H << 8);
#endif */
/* Measure touch once */
status_flag = qt_measure_sensors( current_time_ms_touch );
timestamp3_hword = current_time_ms_touch;
timestamp3_lword = (uint16_t)TIMER_COUNTER_L;
timestamp3_lword |= (uint16_t)(TIMER_COUNTER_H << 8);
burst_flag = status_flag & QTLIB_BURST_AGAIN;
/* send debug data */
// QDebug_SendData(status_flag);
// #endif
/* Time-critical host application code goes here */
}while (burst_flag) ;
/* Process commands from PC */
/* Non time-critical application code goes here */
Name : init_timer_isr
Purpose : configure timer ISR to fire regularly
Input : n/a
Output : n/a
Notes :
static void init_timer_isr( void )
/* set timer compare value (how often timer ISR will fire) */
OCR1A = ( TICKS_PER_MS * qt_measurement_period_msec);
/* enable timer ISR */
TIMSK1 |= (1u << OCIE1A);
/* timer prescaler = system clock / 8 */
TCCR1B |= (1u << CS11);
/* timer mode = CTC (count up to compare value, then reset) */
TCCR1B |= (1u << WGM12);
Name : init_system
Purpose : initialise host app, pins, watchdog, etc
Input : n/a
Output : n/a
Notes :
static void init_system( void )
/* run at 4MHz */
asm("ldi r16,0x80");
asm("sts 0x61,r16");
asm("ldi r16,0x01");
asm("sts 0x61,r16");
/* disable pull-ups */
MCUCR |= (1u << PUD);
Name : timer_isr
Purpose : timer 1 compare ISR
Input : n/a
Output : n/a
Notes :
if (gMsTimeout)
/* set flag: it's time to measure touch */
time_to_measure_touch = 1u;
/* update the current time */
current_time_ms_touch += qt_measurement_period_msec;
Name : qt_set_parameters
Purpose : This will fill the default threshold values in the configuration
data structure.But User can change the values of these parameters .
Input : n/a
Output : n/a
Notes : initialize configuration data for processing
static void qt_set_parameters( void )
qt_config_data.qt_di = DEF_QT_DI;
qt_config_data.qt_neg_drift_rate = DEF_QT_NEG_DRIFT_RATE;
qt_config_data.qt_pos_drift_rate = DEF_QT_POS_DRIFT_RATE;
qt_config_data.qt_max_on_duration = DEF_QT_MAX_ON_DURATION;
qt_config_data.qt_drift_hold_time = DEF_QT_DRIFT_HOLD_TIME;
qt_config_data.qt_recal_threshold = DEF_QT_RECAL_THRESHOLD;
qt_config_data.qt_pos_recal_delay = DEF_QT_POS_RECAL_DELAY;
void gangswitch(void)
DDRD = (1u << PORTD3)|(1u << PORTD4);
DDRB = (1u << PORTB6) | (1U << PORTB7);
//DDRC |= (1u << DDC7);
//DDRA = (1u << DDA0);
if((GET_SENSOR_STATE(6)) != 0)
PORTD |= (1u << PORTD3) | (1u << PORTD4);
PORTD &= ~((1u << PORTD3) | (1u << PORTD4));
if((GET_SENSOR_STATE(7)) != 0)
PORTB |= (1u << PORTB6) | (1u << PORTB7);
PORTB &= ~((1u << PORTB6) | (1u << PORTB7));