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Array index related question (in C++)

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Full Member level 2
Full Member level 2
Mar 17, 2007
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is this code legal?

    uint e;
    int i, j;
    e = (unsigned int) ceil( (NO_OF_BITS + 1)/NO_OF_BITS_IN_WORD ) ;

    uint M[e*NO_OF_BITS_IN_WORD],
		Y[e*NO_OF_BITS_IN_WORD], temp_Y_to_store_group[NO_OF_BITS_IN_WORD],
		S[e*NO_OF_BITS_IN_WORD], X[NO_OF_BITS], C[2]={0,0};

let me explain why I am asking this

I am sure something like this used to be illegal when I was beginning to study C++

int main(){
    int i,j;
    cout<<"Number of elements: "; cin>>i;
    int arr[i];
        cout<<"element no "<<j<<" >> "; cin>>arr[j];
        cout<<"You entered"<<endl<<"a["<<j<<"] = "<<arr[j]<<endl;
    return 0;

We used Turbo C++, and the reason for it being illegal is that array index should be a constant positive integer and in this code the variable i get's it's after only at runtime. One of the reasons why we had to study calloc/malloc and new/delete. But now when I run it in gcc it seems to be completely legal and compiles easily. What is up with that? Have I already become that old? I would guess it is due to some sort of features added into the compiler but I don't know for sure?

However, this is my main question. In my first code, NO_OF_BITS and NO_OF_BITS_IN_WORD are constants defined using #define. So during each run of the program the value of e should be fixed. However, the variable e gets it's value from a function. Does this make it same as getting it from a cin? I need to use e to define array size later on, so is this legal? gcc seems to compile it anyway so I just need to make sure.

by the way, uint is typedef unsigned int

However, the variable e gets it's value from a function. Does this make it same as getting it from a cin?
No. ceil() is apparently available for constant (compile time) calculations with your compiler. But I'm not sure, if it's an assured C++ feature, it may be implementation dependant.

Apparently this is a feature built into the latest C++ standard (since C99 I think but I'm not sure)
It compiles, but it seems it does not allow initialization of the array variable

---------- Post added at 13:41 ---------- Previous post was at 13:41 ----------

first one is correct. You may also use below code.

int* array_int, nTotalCount = 10, sbig, big, i;
printf ( "\n/********************** Second Biggest
Number ********************/" );
array_int = ( int* ) malloc ( nTotalCount * sizeof
( int ) );

for ( i = 0; i < nTotalCount; i++ )
array_int = rand() % 100;

**broken link removed**

By the way, that is C and not C++

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