APC RT-3000

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Oct 15, 2020
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hello I have an APC SMART RT 3000. this when connected to the mains and brand lights only 00100 error, and sometimes they turn off and on. review Lynx2:
Q708, Q709, Q710, Q711, Q726,
Q727, D748, D749, D723, DC bus
and battery voltage feedback
resistors, esp. R856, R857 and everything seems fine, HELP PLEASE

Looks like you have an uninterruptible power supply. Does the operating manual tell how to interpret error lights flashing? Error codes? Etc.

Is it a few years old? Does it contain gel cells? These only last a certain amount of time, regardless how much they get charged and discharged.

The old batteries have been replaced with new ones. When TEST turns on, the red X light and one yellow middle light on the row where the battery is drawn light up. The repair proposal states that Q708, Q709, Q710, Q711, Q726, Q727, D748, D749, D723, DC bus and battery voltage feedback resistors, esp. R856, R857.

All transistors and diodes have been checked and are working properly but the same error still shows. Do you have any idea in which direction to go next

Could it be necessary for you to perform a RESET routine? Occasionally someone asks the forum how to perform this with their UPS. (Example, after replacing batteries.) Some ask to find a website to download a firmware version. Etc.

Further down this page is a list of related threads. By clicking on them it may lead you to find a solution.

'Repair proposal''... Since you mention this it suggests a shop examined your unit and drew up an estimate for them to fix several transistors and diodes. Is this the case?
Does their bill cost more than a new unit?
Do you think the shop is scamming you?
Or do you wish to try to repair these parts yourself?

When so many parts are faulty it's possible that more faults are yet undetected. No one at a distance can evaluate your unit. Only if you're lucky does this forum have an expert with an APC unit, who knows how to interpret your error lights, and might make sense of a full schematic of your unit, and could know how to advise you.

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