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Any real alternatives to PICkit 2 / 3?

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Newbie level 3
Newbie level 3
Jul 24, 2013
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Hi All,

I need to program one of the newer Microchip devices, that's the 16F1782.

1. My old JDM programmer is no good because these don't work with USB to RS-232 cables and my laptop has no RS-232 port.

2. My brand new K150 clone is no good because its software hasn't been updated for years so the latest devices are not supported.

3. The PICkit 2 and 3 are both crap value compared to the K150 I got in terms of the hardware you get for the money you spend.

So far as I can tell, the only software out there that's both readily available and being actively developed is MPLAB and PICPgm, from which

4. MPLAB works with Microchip device programmers only, and

5. PICPgm works with old school programmers only.

Therefore I have this great K150 programmer and no software for it.

I've heard about PICkit 2 clones but I've only found a couple DIY descriptions, not online stores where to purchase one.

So, overall, a task that you would expect to be pretty straightforward to accomplish is looking like a massive mess.

Any ideas as to how to deal with this?

how said that PICKIT2 and PIKITC3 are crap? i use both of them and they are working like charm.Maybe the beginning of PICKIT3 was not great, but MICROCHIP has fixed the issues and now is a great product IMHO.
I find that ICS programming future is great and you don't need to remove the chip to program it or to debug it.

I agree with kgavionics, I use PICKIT2 many years without problem,
also PICKIT3 (small problem at the start with new updates) work very good,


I mean "crap value compared to the K150 I got in terms of the hardware you get for the money you spend". The K150 cost me $10 including shipping and cable, ok it's got no casing but it's good for both ICSP and conventional programming since it even has a decent quality ZIF socket.

you may take a look at this polvorilla

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i bought the same PICKIT2 above for 13 bucks shipping included.Now the price has jumped but it remains a good product in my opinion

I've seen PICkit clones on Ebay, generally from China. If you look some up, I'm sure you'll find at least one clone manufacturer has a website you can order from directly; should you wish to avoid going through Ebay.

I can't personally vouch for how well any of them work.

I mean "crap value compared to the K150 I got in terms of the hardware you get for the money you spend". The K150 cost me $10 including shipping and cable, ok it's got no casing but it's good for both ICSP and conventional programming since it even has a decent quality ZIF socket.

As you've indicated, it also has no current software support.

2. My brand new K150 clone is no good because its software hasn't been updated for years so the latest devices are not supported.

So the question is, what is the value of hardware without software support?

Well you've already answered that question, crap.

As far as the availability of PICkit clones they can be had for as little as $10 to $15:

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Thank you very much for all your useful responses and links. I think my best bet is then buying a PICkit 2 chinese clone... and stick my brand new K150 up my __ :(

Thanks! You've saved me a lot of time and frustration, and some pocket money too.

- - - Updated - - -

Thank you very much for all the useful responses. I think I'll be buying a PICkit 2 chinese clone.

I have to buy a new programmer too because the new pic hardware. I'm using both Mplab and MikroC for 8 and 16bit devices. I had a home made Pickit2 programmer, but now I can't decide which to buy Pickit3 which is WAY cheaper, or MikroProg which will support all the pic devices in present and future just with a firmware update(if i understood correctly). Any advice would be appreciated.

Both the PICkit3 and mikroProg will support future releases.

It largely depends on which IDE you do most of your code development using MPLAB/MPLABX or mikroC, as neither is compatible with the other when debugging.

Whereas both offer standalone programming apps, so you can load HEX files generated by both IDEs.

I actually prefer the Microchip ICDs, which are unfortunately significantly more expensive.

Also look on Microchip's web site for the latest device files for Pickits. They update them from time to time with latest PICs but don't announce it.

The latest software I have for the K150 includes PIC10 series and it is possible to add new devices by editing it's config files but it will NOT program fuses properly on some new types. It seems to be a problem with the Windows GUI rather than the K150 firmware but without source code it's impossible to fix.


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