Any built-in element in ADS/MATLAB for doing de-embedding

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Advanced Member level 4
Sep 26, 2007
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Hi all,

I am just wondering that, since the process (algorithms, equations) of some de-embedding or calibration techniques such as TRL, LRM, ect. are well defined, have they been implemented as standard elements in ADS or standard functions in MATLAB (RF toolbox, maybe) ?

For example, in ADS, if this feature were to exist, I just bring my measured S parameters of DUT (including results from test fixture), thru, reflect and line and then insert these S2P data in ADS. Then, there should be a block or function to take care of these S2P data according to a de-embedding de-embedding technique. Then this element will calculate the S parameter of the DUT directly. This would be fantastic

Do these feature really exist ?

Thank you in advance,


Re: Any built-in element in ADS/MATLAB for doing de-embeddin

Hello DYL,

Yes, these Deembedding or Negate block are available in CAD tools such as AWR Microwave Office (MWO) ...I don't know about ADS but it is possible in MATLAB to construct such functionality...

There is a good example similar to what u mentioned is available at AWR MWO installation folder Deembed_a_device.emp---De-embedding the matching networks from a device this uses a element called the two port negate element "NEG2"...


Thank you for info, manju

There is a work around you can try with ADS if you want to get intrinsec s-parameters of the DUT. One would be like this,

1- plot K using s2p file on ADS and write down its value for 5/15/30 GHz
2- do it again but having in the schematic for this case the plated through holes used in the characterization board, the manufacturer will typically provide the info.
3-Add in series with the plated through holes a single ideal inductor of a negative value. Adjust the value of this negative L such that the stability factor K measured in note 2 above is now equivalent to the original stability factor K achieved in note 1. (Fortunately or not, stability factor is a very good tool because it is very sensitive to source inductance).
4-re simulate point 1 but now adding the negative inductor value found on 3.
That should give the intrinsec sparameters of the DUT

I hope this helps.


To use negate elements from ADS/MWO, you must have (measured or EM simulated) S parameter block of connectors, transitions and line lengths before you can successfully use it. If you have OSL or TRL calibration data, you must implement equations for de-embedding. Both, ADS and MWO have the equation capability.


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