Antenna measurment procedure

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Newbie level 1
May 18, 2006
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Is there any procedure avilable with using Spectrum analyzer, Vector Network Analyzer and directional coupler ? thanks a lot

Hi, what kind of antenna parameters do you want to test?

I think if you just want to measure the return loss (S11) or VSWR, then Network Analyzer is the only equipment you need. You just need to calibrate 1-port measurement of VNA, and then directly connect the VNA to your antenna, and read the S11 or VSWR from VNA.

If you want to measure the radiation pattern or Gain/directivity/efficiency, I think you need a Anechoic Chamber, a standard (reference) antenna and a motor to move the antennas... That need more sophisticated setup and maybe you can find some useful information from google.

Hopefully it will help.

For the S11, keep in mind that proximity effects will affect the antenna patterns and thus the impedance (this depends on antenna type, frequency, etc.).

For the patterns, gain, directivity, etc there are some 4 different techniques (freespace/open-range or chamber, reflection range / open or chamber, compact range w corrections for reflections). ARRL has some good articles on this.

See the attached file for an overview of antenna measurements, with some details on the different methods for measurement radiation patterns.

Also, these two links have some info as well:

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Good luck.

I think if you want to measure the VSWR, the Network Analyzer is the only equipment you need.

If you want to measure the radiation parameters , I think you need a 3D Chamber, a reference antenna, test set and a motor

The optimum procedure is to use one of these companies
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You get the software the most important thing that helps you to analyze
and get good display of the measurements.


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