AND/NAND circuit driving solenoid -- HELP!?

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Newbie level 5
Jan 27, 2010
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I have this circuit that "AND's" a bunch of switches together to then NAND's that to a final Solenoid. The input switchs also power on and off solenoids as well as act as inputs to the MC14082 chips.

The problem is that the input switches cause some kind of bounce that cause the output solenoid to pulse up and down even though the other switches are not pulled low.
The final solenoid should remain energized unless all other solenoids are de-energized.

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BTW I know I drew the IRL520 wrong, but it is wired right. Everything works, I just don't like the extra bounce on the output solenoid.

I tried a diode across the input solenoid, but that didn't do it.

Thanks in advance.

is yet the other half part of 4012 with all inputs on GND pls and do have the 4082s/4012 pro IC a 100nF?
If their are all good bypassed, apply pls the spoken diodes on both relays!
Than, I would select some Schmittrigger input devices for entprelling the switches!
Maybe you can make a better situation if you put on all inputs onto the 47KOhms a parallel 100nF-or so, depends of your switch prell time, but a Schmitt(or RS-FF)-input is the better way... With an oscilloscope you can light see the prell time of your switches.

Thanks for the feedback.
Do you think the caps on the IC's will do the job?

Anyone else have feedback on the circuit?

I wrote; maybe & you must check with a oscope the waveforms at the inputs/ICs for unregularities...
And, that in my opinion it need after all switches an schmittrigger/RS-FF debouncing...
Thes can be modeled with some capacitances on the inputs_I know, with a + serial resistor (as low passes) it should be better.

You can use a simple **broken link removed** to eliminate the bounce. See if the part exists in your lab before building it. Also, the site I give you has many different D-flipflop designs. So try the easiest one for you.

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