Altium PCB designer - some component changed its layer color

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Newbie level 1
Apr 3, 2012
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I am using altium designer to design my PCB board. Initially, all component layers are the yellow color. However, after i clicked for auto route, some components just changed to green color. I do not think components are overlaying the tracks. Does you guys have any ideas about this?

Beside, i send this PCB gerber files to my PCB supplier and they replied that the holes and pads does not match each others. The image below is the feedback from them.

Please advice me about these issues. Thank you very much

The green color indicates design rule vialotaions. Place the mouse over the component and you can see the violation on headsup display menu.

The other issue, may be you used different origins while generating the gerbers. You have option for choosing relative and absolute origin while generating gerbers.

The drills have different offsets, so it's not a simple geber origin problem.

At first sight, I guess you have either combined files from different board versions or there's a problem in component definition. You should inspect the generated gerber and drill files thoroughly in Camtastic window.

FvM,yes you are right.Its not the problem with origin.
Loops0901, if possible post the pcb file so that we can have a look on it.

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