Altium Designer questions

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Newbie level 1
Feb 20, 2010
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Problem: I have my libraries and my schematic done. Then I am defining the board, grids, etc, and doing from schematic window "Design/updatePC document". I am getting all my parts near my new board. OK. Them I am manually position (i.e. move) them on the board. At this moment the system should restrict me (according to the rule ComponentClearance: 10mm(!) all,all) from positioning components too close, correct? It doesn't. It tries to do so IF I am adding 3D bodies into the pcb library (Place/3D body, then - step file.) But it is very hard to do for connectors, etc. I tried to play with keepout layer, but it did not work too well.
Can I just draw some polygon on some layer for any given component in the pcb library, so the system would understand it and help me to place the parts?

There is one more:
When I am placing manually components on the PCB board - every part show red or green line with a dot in the origin of the part. What this is? I seached and did not find ANY info in all ANs?? ;(

Many-many thanks for help!!!

Actually in altium it defines the actual size of component as rectangles taking into consideration all the parameters attached to particular component so even if the actual component is some irregular shape(like connectors) it will take them as rectangular.
It keeps on showing DRC errors for the components palced closer if there body size according to altium is overlapping though in viewing it in 3D it will be clear.
To overcome this issue you can define your silkscreen precisely as per the actual component shape and ignore the DRC (only if it is clear in 3D).

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