Alternate pulse router circuits schematics

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Junior Member level 1
Mar 16, 2006
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This is divide by two?

Dear All:

I need control signal like blow figure, who can tell me what is it name?

or tell me it's schematic



Re: This is divide by two?

No glitch free design.

Re: This is divide by two?

it is alternate pulses routed

not divided by anything

here is a picture of a circuit that can be reused


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Re: This is divide by two?

bunalmis said:
No glitch free design.
This is a bad design and will produce glitches.

Added after 6 minutes:

VSMVDD said:
it is alternate pulses routed

not divided by anything

here is a picture of a circuit that can be reused
Aside from the bad design, why do you say this doesn't divide by 2? A frequency counter will show 1/2 the frequency.
To fix bunalmis' circuit, add an inverter between In and the And gate - then there won't be any glitches.

Re: This is divide by two?

You can use clock to delay and combination logic to get final results.

Re: This is divide by two?

Gee laglead did you even read the replies before posting yours?
There are several replies that use a delay with logic and they have details on the solution.

Re: This is divide by two?


You can use an counter and define the value of the division or you can use an state machine using an simple pal 22v10 or other


Re: This is divide by two?

hi hi,

the simplest u can hv is the below circuit (if u don mind with d glitches)

the above circuit can b implemented using 9 transistors only.

if u need d details, kindly refer to the baker's book.



Re: This is divide by two?

use a divider ic like cd4040/60...check the datasheet....

This is divide by two?

use a counter to count the clk pulse, and the you can use the odd or even number to triger your registor. Hope can be helpful, thank.

Added after 1 hours 17 minutes:

BTW, use counter is a complex method, bunalmis is right, his method the the typical method to deal with your signals.

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