Advanced Member level 2

I have trouble grasping this, MCP3553 is a single 22bit differential input ADC. It can be supplied with a VDD voltage of 2.7V-5.5V with VSS being ground.
The input range is Vref- to Vref+... If Vref = 3V, -3V to +3V but it says that the minimum input is VSS - 0.3V?
As a real circuit problem I am about to use a LTC2442, it can be used as ether 4 single ended channels or two differential.
Will I get more bang for my buck if I implement a single to differential stage and use the two differential input channels as opposed to using two of the single ended straight away?
(not counting the cost of the extra stage)
I have trouble grasping this, MCP3553 is a single 22bit differential input ADC. It can be supplied with a VDD voltage of 2.7V-5.5V with VSS being ground.
The input range is Vref- to Vref+... If Vref = 3V, -3V to +3V but it says that the minimum input is VSS - 0.3V?
As a real circuit problem I am about to use a LTC2442, it can be used as ether 4 single ended channels or two differential.
Will I get more bang for my buck if I implement a single to differential stage and use the two differential input channels as opposed to using two of the single ended straight away?
(not counting the cost of the extra stage)