about Mixer bandwidth

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Newbie level 5
Oct 28, 2007
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is there anyone know how to define the bandwidth of Mixer?

Frequency bandwidth of an RF Mixer is the frequency range where the Mixer is operational, and meets the specifications for Conversion Loss or Gain.
The 3 ports of the Mixer (RF, LO and IF) usually have limited frequency range, which is specified by the manufacturer.

in a zero-IF receiver, for an active Mixer,what is the Mixer bandwidth?
you mean that during the change of RF and LO fuequency(zero IF),the Mixer gain change 3dB, the bandwidth means the frequency range changes at RF or LO port?
if Mixer work in a zero-IF receiver system, its bandwith is zero, or is the frequency range as mentioned above?


BW is zero , no

the BW is the RF range that the Mixer can produced a basband singal with gain


thanks a lot. you mean in a zero-RF receiver, if the RF range is 1GHz so the LO port also have to operate during that 1 GHz range to produce zero IF freqency. if during this frequency range the Mixer can work with gain. so the bandwidth is 1GHz? 'with gain' means gain change 3dB during the frequency range?

Added after 2 minutes:

and I want to know how to simulate Mixer bandwidth with Spectre RF simulator.

not it is not 1 Ghz , the 1 Ghz is the center , u need to sweep , both LO and RF and see the IF gain , with both sweep

and there is an application note ny cadnece on how to simulate the mixer using specretRF
**broken link removed**

also try t check on ADS , it is very good in simulation


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