a microcontroller based automatic washing machine timer!!!

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Junior Member level 1
Feb 6, 2005
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microcontroller washing machine


can any body help me finding some approach to the design of
a microcontroller based automatic washing machine timer
and what microcontroller can be used in this and with what sensors????

microcontroller based washing machine

can you send some more details regarding what you want to sense, time delays required,etc.

220v timer microcontroller

i guess the microchip picmcu will do the job well such as pic16f84a as standard washing machine timer is 15 mintues. the pic16f84a have timer register you can write a subroutine to have a desire delay time by using precaler register

testing wasing machine timers


thanks for concern
i need to sense temperaure ,pressure

the timers used in my country almost mechanical timers(cam) so the snsors all are high power sensors (220 V)

pressure(daiphragm) ,solenoid , and heater those all are used to measure water level ,and allow water in and out ,and heat water respectively

i need some schematic for sny micro controller circuit and the program if possible

washing machine timer using pic

Use a good microcontroller with ADC and enough I/O pins to support your application. Another things is, you will be needing a signal conditioner to interface your sensors to your ADC in any case rails does not match.

I suggest a PIC16F88 or PIC16F876.

washing machine - microcontroller

You can use original 220V sensors for pic.First of all diassemble everything.Then
you have to find sensors out -function cable,For example heater ,water level etc.Way easy to find test this out s.Have nice Day

washing machine design by microcontroller



can we replace the cam timer and put our microcontroller circuit with the
220v sensors

what power electronics circuit do we need?

Re: a microcontroller based automatic washing machine timer!

U can do this by a pic microcontroller. U need some buttons for program sellection. And thyristors for driving the asenkron motor of the washing machine

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