8051 programming instructiom set, Are they all the same

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Newbie level 5
Dec 29, 2011
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Vero Beach Fiorida USA
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Is there a programmer that program all 8051 microcontroller's sevral diffrent brands with the same instruction set, And isn't the At89s52 the same?
Dose any know if there is an IDE that can be used for all of them. Or at least most of them?

I don't think there is another one than of Keil. And since I cannot get it, I keep using my old DOS assembler; TASM of Thomas N. Anderson, 1993.

I want to know because I have a lot of the like p80 intel Z80 MSM80 TS80 and so on. Some are used some not I have about 20 of them. And I wanted to know if the At89c/s51/52 are the same thing too? and thank you for the onfo!


My first designs were based on Z80 then I shifted to the AT89 family. These two have absolutely different instruction sets.
After all, Z80 is a CPU and its instructions are programmed on an external memory.
The AT89 family (like AT89S8253) is about MCUs hence their code is programmed on them.

For instance, the DOS assembler that helped me write Z80 firmware, did the same for the MCUs after changing the definitions of the instructions and pins (usually these definitions are pre-made as separate texts to be included within the written program). I still have too many Z80s but I can't be sure now where I saved them :smile:


I know that the Z80's are very old and you are right, You always see a big EPROM on the board with them I guess my question was about 8051 I think I was reading a while back about an AT89c52 refered to as 8051. Why is that. Will AVR stuido program any thing other than Atmel? Or perhaps WinAVR? Or maybe with a programmer? And if you use an IDE
and an RS232, what need would you have for a programmer. Thanks for the reply


Two years ago a friend from China sent me the universal programmer on USB of type "VP-280" made by Wellon. It works fine so far and I don't think it is costly.

AT89C52 (and the new versions of bigger capacity and more special registers hence functions) are actually of the same family referred to 8051 (and C51 I guess). But the MCU include file (a text file for my assembler) should have the old and new definitions related to the MCU of interest (lately I write it based on the MCU datasheet). Otherwise the new code cannot use the extended features of the MCU (their registers being undefined).

I think to get a practical answer, you may need asking as specific questions as possible then many others can help you ;-)


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