8051 programming in C

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Newbie level 4
Nov 1, 2011
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I am acquainted with programming of 8051 family and do not have background of C or C++. As most of the projects and applications use C, I wish to begin learning programming in C for microcontrollers from 8051 family.
Please suggest how and where to begin.
any links for learning resource is welcome.

C is the same language regardless of the chip you use it on, not like assembly. Get any book about C and you'll be able to transfer the knowledge fairly easily.

The only difference is that most 'C' tutorials will teach things like printing data to a screen, which obviously is a bit tricky on most 8051 projects...

Thanks Hanif for the useful links.
I badly needed this information.
ThePilot's observations are true but What book / literature to read was one problem.
Secondly the way functions are defined and the libraries and include files are used is not clear to me so the problem and request.
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Standard libraries and includes are fairly, well, standard across C. To help you along it is useful to get some reference material. Here is the library reference for the Keil 8051 compiler (are you using it?)

Cx51 User's Guide: Library Reference

Scroll down the page and all of the library functions are on the left.
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look out here
**broken link removed**
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So nice thanks all !!
Great stuff I was looking for.
This will keep me busy and quench the thrust too.
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you can use embedded systems programming in assembly and C.
Thanks I am procuring the same
A Raoof Khan

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