7x5 dot matrix display with 8086

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Newbie level 6
Mar 27, 2010
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Help, i have to finish my homework.

I have to put 7x5 dot matrix led display on 8086 address and data bus.

Every solution i had seen is with pic or another microcontroler, well, this sould be with 8086.

Whole display should be like graphic card, which is waiting on some io address, and 8086 can write to its frame buffer when it wants.

Hi PCBwire,

You just have to set the address mapping (page?) for memory and led by using some address decoder, then the CPU read from memory(ram or rom) then output it to led

or may be you could refer your design with old CGA card.

Yes, something like that.

Do not know how to make led display.
I have idea to put registers, which output would be wired directly to led, and cpu would write to that registers.

That is simplest method.

for 7x5 display 5x 8bit registers is neded. Maybe inpractical.

Because i am new which 8-bit register could be used.
Searchng on texas instruments site, only found d-flip flop shift registers.

Whole project should not be realised , i have just to draw if in protel.

Resistry + led display shoud be simplest.

Could some give me example of real 16 bit register which can load data, hold data as long as it is needed, until next loading, without shifting, and output data on every clock. Simple classical register.

If you use microcontrolers, you get negative points.

It is for homework, just started doing, know almost nothing.

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