[SOLVED] 7 Segment LED or LCD ?

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Newbie level 5
Aug 26, 2009
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Hi, I have a timer project in mind which will have 5 digits in total. Now I'm thinking what type of display would be easier to interface. The digit size is not a concern.

Any suggestions please ?

the type of display is depends upon the application area of the project. Visibility was the main parameter when selecting the display.
LED was an excellent visibility.. ad i think it is useful in your project.

If your circuit operates on battery then LCD would be the best option.
depond upon your circuit if use LCD it is more flexible can be use more charter , font etc

Its more easy to interface LCD than LED segment to microcontrollers (i used PIC). Commands for sending characters to LCD are straightforward. While you might need a multiplexing circuit/IC if you're microntroller doesnt have much output pins available for driving multiple LED segments. Also with LED segments, timing in program may be crucial to operate properly the multiplexer, TDM is more like to be used.
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LED have better view on sunlight definitely (if high brigth), but not suitable for usage on batteries, because higher consuption of power. In other hand, lcd have more opportunities for showing some data on it, less power consuption, and definitely best contrast is with White on Black.

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Hi, I have a timer project in mind which will have 5 digits in total. Now I'm thinking what type
of display would be easier to interface. The digit size is not a concern.

If your concern is only interface, then a character LCD is a good solution.

I don't know what your timer will be used for, but if you need some good readability, then
you may indeed consider 7 segments (LED and LCD version exist, for instance this one:
If you want to interface this, then you have to draw a lot of wires, use a micro controller
with 6 ports available or use some external logic for multiplex purposes.

That said, 6 ports available means a quite big device, which may be a little bit too
much for a plain timer. So there is also a graphic LCD solution.

Advantages of a graphic LCD:
- Usually works with serial interface (SPI, I2C. I would recommend SPI), therefore you can
use it by soldering about 5 or 6 wires, power included.
- Allows you to use any font you like (there are myriads of free fonts on the net).
- A GLCD may be extremely thin (about 2mm)
- This is a matter of taste, but character LCDs are quite ugly and look like early 80s design.
A graphic LCD looks better (although this depends on what you display and how you do it).


With LED you generally need to scan all the time (dynamically). Sometimes this is a burden to the device especially when there're some other components to be taken care of in a strict timing.

With LCD you need to write only once before the contents change.

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