5V supply - low gain audio amplifier IC out there?

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Newbie level 3
Apr 9, 2009
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My requirements are for a mono Audio amplifier IC capable of a peak to peak output swing of 4.2V into 8ohms, operating off a single 5V rail (frequency range is about 100Hz- 1kHz) - but an IC that doesn't apply a crazy voltage gain.

Just about all output ICs I've tried apply a voltage gain of 20! this is problematic because I'm restricted to 5V as the supply, so working backover 4.2V peak to peak divided by a gain of 20 means a meagre maximum 20mV input presented into to the amplifier IC!

ok, so I could use a trimpot in the preceding stage to allow maximum dynamic range swing & simply trim off the signal to an appropriate level to present into the amplifier - but I'd still prefer to find an audio IC that's happier with a larger input voltage.

So to my question - are there any suitable IC candidates that folks here have poast exerience with? (only packages in SOIC and larger please)

Any top tips greatfully received!

Also, as a possible route of exploration, is it possible to even implement a classic push pull Class AB amplifier at such a low supply voltage (eg with a preceding opamp to help eliminate crossover distortion) ...if so, which complimentary pair of trannies should I be looking at?

Can you use resistor feedback to set the overall gain?

Thanks for the line of questioning....if you mean using a resistor to route negative feedback to the input thereby dropping the gain, well I've not tried but I will tonight!.

Essentially I've a TL072 used as a preamp - it's wired as non inverting stage - it feeds into a 1W BTL audio amp. I guess I could feed some of the output signal from the output of the BTL IC back in to the -ve leg of the TL072 preamp stage (not sure how to do this yet so off to Google!)

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