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5 Megaphones powering and audio playback

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Newbie level 4
Newbie level 4
May 23, 2011
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I am new to electronics, and am trying to play the same audio file through five megaphones that are 80 w at 8 ohms. Being new to electronics, I am not sure what is the best and fastest way of setting up all to play audio file, and even more importantly how to power all of them at the megaphones.

I live in Korea so the power is different. Here is the product I will be using:
G¸¶ÄÏ - ÀÚµ¿Â÷ È¥ ½ºÇÇÄ¿ Â÷·®¿ë ¹Ýº¹±â¿ë Ä« ½ºÇÇÄ¿

All your suggestions would be great.


as the page is in korean cannot decypher it.
tell what is the speaker spec( spekaer)

anyway you require a power amp with appropriate input.
where is the audio o/p comes from? from tape/cd/or ...?

depending on that you have to purchase suitable amplifier.

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My mistake. Thank you for the links and redirection, thannara123!

Here is the picture:


There is a PA system with amplifier at my disposal that I need figure out the specs on, would that work? I hope to play the audio through either cassette or portable cd player.

Easy hook up?

the amplifier at you disposal should have the appropriate o/p for speaker.

tell your speaker spec.(since it looks like PA system) may be a 100v line , i guess.

tell what your amp output spec.

yes you can connect as you like .but the see the impedance match of both according to srizbf

Alright, the specs that I could find on the Korean amplifier were the following:
Mosfet power mixer amplifier
92 watts 8 ohms
130 w 4 ohms

Are the megaphones doable with this?

spec for each megaphone ?

---------- Post added at 16:14 ---------- Previous post was at 16:08 ----------

seen your first post.
so you can connect only one megaphone to amp but cannot go to full power.

or you can have two megaphones in parallel and connect with reduced power.

no more than 2 megaphones.

What kind of power source would I need to run the other 3 megaphone speakers? Or what kind of power source could I run all five megaphones through?

to drive all 5 megaphones , you require an amplifier of 400W power.
but the matching with all megapahone in parallel is to be taken care.

for what purpose the megaphones are to be used ?
anything like public functions or meetings?

I really doubt, that the horn speaker can handle 80 W. Can you show a datasheet, what's the compression driver's size? 4 speakers are easy to match with a single 8 ohm output amplifier, 5 aren't. You can e.g. use two amplifiers with sufficient low output impedance and connect 2 respectively 3 in parallel. Or use a custom made power audio transformer.

why you are asking "what kind of power "
has the amplifier in built power ?

Ive asked around about running off a 400 amp, and it seems that it would put the speakers at 4 ohms. Correct? The reason my specifications have been ambiguous or confusing is due to my lack of knowledge within the field.

"what kind of power": I did not know how else to ask. The device I have at my disposal is a power mixer amplifier.

Datasheet: I was not given one with the horns. Just a box with the information that I have posted on here.

I dont mind sacrificing a bit of loudness for the sake of the speakers functioning. The price I was given for a 400 amp was around $250. Is this correct? The internet says otherwise. My deadline is Saturday, and I must find a quick solution, please!

This is for an art installation where the horn speakers are inside an empty watertank together, playing audio, and then coming out of a designated hole.

This site has been a life saver so far! Thank you all, and I look forward to more information.

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