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3d game using verilog coding with touchscreen

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Dec 2, 2013
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3d game using verilog coding and de2board with touchscreen

hi...anyone can help me?
my project about game using verilog coding and DE2 board with touchscreen.
so, i want to know what i must to do first..and if i want to do 3D game, so what the software i can use? :idea:
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what spec do u mean? i need specific flow..hopefully u can help me bcoz im still new in this field..tq.. :cry:

Well first you need to write out the requirements. So far all you have written is an idea, not the specifics on what it must do, how it should work, the rules of the game, the hardware you're targetting, the language etc.

So ask more specific questions get more specific answers.

PS. We are not here to do your homework for you. Thats your job.

ops...sorry b'cos my question not specific...n thank you for your help and idea.. actually i didnt ask to help me do my homework fully, i just ask the flow and idea,bcos i know, my homework i must do by own not by others..sorry...

I assume your '3D game' will need to respond to user actions ...
so, write what kind of actions you need to respond to, and it will also require you to have good knowledge about the 3D aspect.

Side question : what makes you think verilog or any hardware descriptive language are a good fit for describing a 3D game?

thank you for your good idea..i just do a simple game like differentiate a shapes like circle and so on..actually in my project i need to use verilog code for software site and altera de2-70 board with touch screen as a hardware,im still learn and try to understand about the altera de2-70 board and the verilog coding also..can i know, is it possible if i use 3d game at touch screen or cn i just use 2d game? i jez want to know the idea from ur site lucbra...kindly tq for your respond my question..

verilog is not software, it's a hardware description language. Make sure you understand that before you write any code for the de2-70 hardware board.

You first need to have a thorough understanding of the circuit you want to build in the FPGA. You want to define the inputs/outputs of the FPGA. The blocks of logic that is needed to perform whatever you want the FPGA to do (a block diagram of the entire FPGA design would be a good start)

After you've done all the design work then you can start implementing the code based on your design.


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