32nm MOSFET PTM Op-Amp specification

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Member level 1
Apr 11, 2020
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Hi everyone,

I want to design a two stage op-amp in 32nm technology(32nm PTMHP) using gm/Id technique.

what specifications should I choose for that?




what specifications should I choose for that?
Either your application gives the requirement
or your customer gives the requirement.


Cant we assume our own specification?

we want to design a 2 stage op amp with high gain
Vdd = 0.9


Cant we assume our own specification?

we want to design a 2 stage op amp with high gain
Vdd = 0.9
If you want you can do.

It's similar to designing a house.
An architect usually gets the requirements from the customer...or he get a job like designing a school, or a skyscraper, or a farm building.
For sure he can design anything he wants.

But why do you ask? What answer are you looking for?
Maybe one use says: Audio, low noise, low distortion ....
And another user: Gigahertz amplifier...


that is my assignment. designing a 2-stage op-amp on 32nm technology
and i have been doing it from so long. i have taken so many specification but didn't get a desired result


I assume I misunderstood.
But still don't what you are after.


High DC gain with short channel MOSFETs is going to
be tough. Have you been playing with common gate,
stacked FETs to get longer "effective L"? If not then
I'd expect you to struggle with AVOL.

And of course there's the questionable usefulness of
such low voltage op amps for anything.

At 0.9V I'd be thinking of making any analog functions
current-mode. But I know a lot of people are really
determined to put lousy little voltage mode (usually OTA)
op amps in their SoC library. I work with one such bunch.

From what I've seen they are using the usual architectures
and living with pretty poor (by piece-part standards)
results. Just so they can say they've got one. Or N
variants (all of them lousy, but slightly different in how
much and what's worst).

900mV range and 10mV input error rollup would make it a
sub-7-bit accuracy proposition. You want to spend time on
such a world-beater "product", go right on ahead.

But you might find it worthwhile to first imagine or find an
application for such an op amp (I can't, but don't let that
stop you) and let it provide you the "care-abouts" (specs
or more like a subset, of). That would then leave you only
the problem of execution.

so that means MOSFET at 32nm technology and vdd=0.9 , it would not give a high gain.
a gain of 20-25db will be achieved in this.

is this correct?

i have to compare MOSFET with CNFET. so for that i have to design op-amp from both the technologies.

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