24 second shot clock using pic16f877a with pause, inc/dec and reset

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Newbie level 3
Aug 17, 2011
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This is actually our midterm project.... The program I made is not actually working.... I

Can you upload your work so far? Schematic(s), code, etc? Then we can see where the problem lies and try to fix it.

#define DIGIT1 PORTB.F0
#define DIGIT2 PORTB.F1
unsigned char Cnt = 0;
unsigned char Flag = 0;

// This function finds the bit pattern to be sent to the port to display a number
// on the 7-segment LED. The number is passed in the argument list of the function.
unsigned char Display(unsigned char no)
unsigned char Pattern;
unsigned char SEGMENT[] = {0x3F,0x06,0x5B,0x4F,0x66,0x6D,
Pattern = SEGMENT[no]; // Pattern to return
return (Pattern);
// TMR0 timer interrupt service routine. The program jumps to the ISR at
// every 5ms.
void interrupt ()
unsigned char Msd, Lsd;
TMR0L = 100; // Re-load TMR0
INTCON = 0x20; // Set T0IE and clear T0IF
Flag = ~ Flag; // Toggle Flag
if(Flag == 0) // Do digit 1
DIGIT2 = 0;
Msd = Cnt / 10; // MSD digit
PORTC = Display(Msd); // Send to PORTC
DIGIT1 = 1; // Enable digit 1
{ // Do digit 2
DIGIT1 = 0; // Disable digit 1
Lsd = Cnt % 10; // LSD digit
PORTC = Display(Lsd); // Send to PORTC
DIGIT2 = 1; // Enable digit 2
// Start of MAIN Program. configure PORTB and PORTC as outputs.
// In addition, configure TMR0 to interrupt at every 10ms
void main()
TRISC = 0; // PORTC are outputs
TRISB = 0; // RB0, RB1 are outputs
DIGIT1 = 0; // Disable digit 1
DIGIT2 = 0; // Disable digit 2
// Configure TMR0 timer interrupt
T0CON = 0xC4; // Prescaler = 32
TMR0L = 100; // Load TMR0L with 100
INTCON = 0xA0; // Enable TMR0 interrupt
for(; // Endless loop
Cnt++; // Increment Cnt
if(Cnt == 100) Cnt = 0; // Count between 0 and 99
Delay_ms(1000); // Wait 1 second

Here, I fixed the code:
#define DIGIT1 PORTB.F0
#define DIGIT2 PORTB.F1
unsigned char Cnt = 0;
unsigned char Flag = 0;

// This function finds the bit pattern to be sent to the port to display a number
// on the 7-segment LED. The number is passed in the argument list of the function.
unsigned char Display(unsigned char no)
unsigned char Pattern;
unsigned char SEGMENT[] = {0x3F,0x06,0x5B,0x4F,0x66,0x6D,0x7D,0x07,0x7F,0x6F};
Pattern = SEGMENT[no]; // Pattern to return
return (Pattern);
// TMR0 timer interrupt service routine. The program jumps to the ISR at
// every 5ms.
void interrupt (){
     unsigned char Msd, Lsd;
     TMR0 = 100; // Re-load TMR0
     T0IF_bit = 0;
     Flag = ~ Flag; // Toggle Flag
     if(Flag == 0){ // Do digit 1
             DIGIT2 = 0;
             Msd = Cnt / 10; // MSD digit
             PORTC = Display(Msd); // Send to PORTC
             DIGIT1 = 1; // Enable digit 1
     else{ // Do digit 2
           DIGIT1 = 0; // Disable digit 1
           Lsd = Cnt % 10; // LSD digit
           PORTC = Display(Lsd); // Send to PORTC
           DIGIT2 = 1; // Enable digit 2
// Start of MAIN Program. configure PORTB and PORTC as outputs.
// In addition, configure TMR0 to interrupt at every 10ms

void main(){
     PORTC = 0; //Clear initial state
     PORTB = 0; //Clear initial state
     TRISC = 0; // PORTC are outputs
     TRISB = 0; // RB0, RB1 are outputs
     DIGIT1 = 0; // Disable digit 1
     DIGIT2 = 0; // Disable digit 2
     // Configure TMR0 timer interrupt
     OPTION_REG = 0x84; //Prescaler 32
     //T0CON = 0xC4; // Prescaler = 32
     TMR0 = 100; // Load TMR0L with 100
     INTCON = 0xA0; // Enable TMR0 interrupt
     for(;;){ // Endless loop
           Cnt++; // Increment Cnt
           if(Cnt == 100) Cnt = 0; // Count between 0 and 99
           Delay_ms(1000); // Wait 1 second

It counts from 0 to 99, count increments each second. I'm guessing you copied the code made for a PIC18 and expected it to work here. PIC16F877A has no TMR0L or TMR0H. Since it's just an 8-bit timer, you have just TMR0. There is no T0CON. So, the prescaler is set using the OPTION_REG register. That's about it. Get your configuration settings right and make sure you connect the hardware right.

Hope this helps.

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