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2.4GHz antenna design PCB

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Member level 4
Feb 14, 2013
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Hi i have NRF24L01+ but its range is just 100 meter, I want to increase its range by creating antenna in PCB, I know PCB design with altium designer but I don't know anything about antenna design, is it easy to built an antenna that will increase the range of my RF module to 1-2km ?
is it any example design? or any book? is it easy to create for example a yagi antenna?

any help would be greatly appreciated,
best regards,

Check the nRF24L01 datasheet, it has some sample PCB design and circuit with different type of antenna.
range is not only depend on antenna. if you have to increase the range it requires some additional chip for power boosting .
Search the net, you will get that also. LNA and supporting chip design also available.
Hi Shamik Rudra,
I searched before about powers and I found some part that do this work but in all of them PCB routing is very important, is it possible to describe it more?
and if possible tel me which chips are more suitable? and how I can learn more things about creating PCB.
best regards,

nRF24L01 or CC2500 and other chips can be used in this purpose.
manufacturer are providing some information on PCB design requirement and example design.
GND plane is a big factor in high frequency PCB layout

check it in google you will find all the document for it. after some reading make some prototype. that will greatly improve your learning.
Hope it will help you.

I found that sga-3386 is and MMIC amplifier that I think is suitable IC for my purpose is there any suggestion about this IC and also about amplifying and circuit diagram?
any help would be greatly appreciated,

Before experimenting with antennas, you should make a link-budget calculation first. This would give you information about required power, antenna gain (both sides), margin, transmission speed, etc. If in the end it seem feasible and the EIRP stays below the legal limit (for your country), you could think about how to realize the antennas.

Regarding the link-budget calculation, the free space loss formula (Friis formula) does not apply in most ground-to-ground communication links.
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