16F877 thermometer problem

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Full Member level 4
Jan 23, 2010
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hello Guys
im reading an thermistor which im displaying the result on 2 7seg displays
im facing a problem with the reading of it, when temp is change between 1-2 or any number the units display is flickering until it get the right number
i think its something like the number after DP which i dont need
wht to do ?
im not sure if i could explain my problem
my display routine is ok when i test it with any fixed number the 2 digits r ok
but when it change from (for example 01 to 02) the right number flicker until it get stable

how to ignore the unwanted values of my ADC ?


use a filter to smooth the result ..
arithmetique glissant ou Exponentiel

 ******  ARITHMETIQUE FILTER for   up to 8 analog input  ********************

unsigned int Table[8];
unsigned int Somme_EA[8];
unisgned int M, EA0,Nbval,Somme;

       Table_EA[M][Nbval & 0x0007]=EA0;
       for (i=0;i<8;i++)
       Somme_EA[M]= Somme_EA[M] + Table_EA[M][i];
       f1=(float)Somme_EA[M] * 0.0061035;  // // soit 500.0 / (8 x 1024.0); // LM35DZ 10mV/V

***************   EXPONENTIAL FILTER ********************
unsigned int M;
char *txt;
char Texte[64];
float TF,Kfilter,TNow,TOld;
int FirstPass=0;
void Float2Ascii (float x, unsigned char *str,char precision) 

void main()

  FirstPass=0; // to init the exponential filter
  Kfilter=0.2; // value of filter must be >0.0 and <1.0


 M= ADC_Read(0); 
 TNow=(float)M * 0.0048;
   if (FirstPass==0)
     TF= ( TNow * Kfilter) + (1-Kfilter)*TOld;
    Float2Ascii (TF, txt,2);  
    UART1_Write_Text(txt);   UART1_Write(TAB);
    UART1_Write_CText(" Volts");

} // while 1


as said in the other thread:

* Update display only once per second.
* use filters.

Show us your code

Please be more descriptive:
"the units display is flickering" --> describe the "flickering". How often does it happen? What do you see?
"until it get the right number " --> What is the "right number"? How can it be defined?
"i think its something like the number after DP which i dont need " --> if you don´t need it, why do you display it?
"how to ignore the unwanted values of my ADC ?" --> What are those "unwanted" values.

Often as soon as you can describe the effects in words you are able to define it in software.
When those effects are defined, then usually you can avoid them with software.

Obvioulsy you can not write a program like this: "If ADC_value == unwanted then ignore it..."
"unwanted" needs to be defined. Still it´s unclear how you decide it to be unwanted.
"ignore" needs to be defined. Here it could be to use the ADC_value of the measurement before.


- - - Updated - - -

here is my code give me ur ideas plz
its not calibrated yet im just testing how it works
& sorry i couldnt find word to explain the real problem im not tht good with english
& i couldt find another way to get the ANA reading i hope the long table is ok
Main	call	DispRoutine
		call	ad_portc
		movf    ADRESH,W        ;Write A/D result to W       						
		call	ADCtable
		call	BinBCD
		call	Main

;* Delay 10mS 		10 x 1,000uS			*
D_10mS	movlw	0Ah
		movwf	temp2
D_a		nop
		decfsz temp1,1
		goto 	D_a
		decfsz temp2,1
		goto 	D_a	
		retlw 	00
;* Bin2BCD 		Converter *
BinBCD  clrf    MSD	;Tens
		movwf   LSD ;Units
gtenth  movlw   .10
		subwf   LSD,W
		goto    over
		movwf   LSD
		incf    MSD, F
		goto    gtenth
	over    retlw   0

		movlw	b'00000001'	;Activate Right Display
		movwf	portE
		;movf	units,0
		movf	LSD,0
		call	table
		movwf	portD
		call	D_10mS
		;clrf	portB
		movlw	b'00000010'	;Activate Left Display
		movwf	portE
		;;movf	tens,0
		movf	MSD,0
		call	table
		movwf	portD
		call	D_10mS
retlw	0x00

                                ;wait for acquision time (20uS)
                                ;(non-critical for this test)
        bsf     ADCON0,GO       ;Start A/D conversion
        btfsc   ADCON0,GO       ;Wait for conversion to complete
        goto    Wait
        ;movf    ADRESH,W        ;Write A/D result to W       						

table	addwf   PCL,F           ;02h,1  add W to program counter 
        retlw   b'00111111'     ; "0"   -|F|E|D|C|B|A
        retlw   b'00000110'     ; "1"   -|-|-|-|C|B|-
        retlw   b'01011011'     ; "2"   G|-|E|D|-|B|A
        retlw   b'01001111'     ; "3"   G|-|-|D|C|B|A 
        retlw   b'01100110'     ; "4"   G|F|-|-|C|B|-
        retlw   b'01101101'     ; "5"   G|F|-|D|C|-|A
        retlw   b'01111101'     ; "6"   G|F|E|D|C|-|A
        retlw   b'00000111'     ; "7"   -|-|-|-|C|B|A
        retlw   b'01111111'     ; "8"   G|F|E|D|C|B|A
        retlw   b'01101111'     ; "9"   G|F|-|D|C|B|A
		retlw	b'01110011'		; "P"
		retlw	b'01101101'		; "S"

ADCtable	addwf   PCL,F           ;02h,1  add W to program counter
		retlw	0x00
		retlw	0x00
		retlw	0x00
		retlw	0x00
		retlw	0x00
		retlw	0x00
		retlw	0x00
		retlw	0x00
		retlw	0x00
		retlw	0x00
		retlw	0x00	;10
		retlw	0x00
		retlw	0x01
		retlw	0x01
		retlw	0x02
		retlw	0x02
		retlw	0x03
		retlw	0x03
		retlw	0x04
		retlw	0x04
		retlw	0x05	;20
		retlw	0x05
		retlw	0x06
		retlw	0x06
		retlw	0x07
		retlw	0x07
		retlw	0x08
		retlw	0x08
		retlw	0x09
		retlw	0x09
		retlw	0x0A	;30
		retlw	0x0A
		retlw	0x0B
		retlw	0x0B
		retlw	0x0C
		retlw	0x0C
		retlw	0x0D
		retlw	0x0D
		retlw	0x0E
		retlw	0x0E
		retlw	0x0F	;40
		retlw	0x0F
		retlw	0x10
		retlw	0x10
		retlw	0x11
		retlw	0x11
		retlw	0x12
		retlw	0x12
		retlw	0x13
		retlw	0x13
		retlw	0x14	;50
		retlw	0x14
		retlw	0x15
		retlw	0x15
		retlw	0x16
		retlw	0x16
		retlw	0x17
		retlw	0x17
		retlw	0x18
		retlw	0x18
		retlw	0x19	;60
		retlw	0x19
		retlw	0x00
		retlw	0x00
		retlw	0x00
		retlw	0x00
		retlw	0x00
		retlw	0x00
		retlw	0x00
		retlw	0x00
		retlw	0x00	;70
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* Update display only once per second.
Where do you take care of this? It seems you update the display about 30 times per second..



Where do you take care of this? It seems you update the display about 30 times per second..


i couldnt find where to make a delay without make a problem
i've arranged the routines this way but the display routine need no delay so where to make a delay
wht about my ADCtable is it ok ? its more long for more reading
or there is another way to do it ?
im executing the code line by line with mplab sim but my brain has stopped working anymore
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i couldnt find where to make a delay without make a problem
WHAT kind of problem?


Main	call	DispRoutine
		call	ad_portc
		movf    ADRESH,W        ;Write A/D result to W       						
		call	ADCtable
		call	BinBCD
		[COLOR="#FF0000"]call[/COLOR]	Main
Shouldn´t this be a "goto" instead of a "call". In my eyes this could cause a stack overflow.


i've tried to put a delay in few places but the units display has stoppd working
can i run 2 routines same time ?
sorry for my english im looking for words to describe the real problem
& m sorry for the code
i'll try to edit the call to goto but my bad luck there is no electric & the generator has stopped



Your ADC-table is:
If W < 10 --> retlw 0
If W >= 61 --> retlw 0
W = W -10
shift W one bit right.



Your ADC-table is:
If W < 0x10 --> retlw 0
If W >= 61 --> retlw 0
W = W -10
shift W one bit right.


i cant use this in assembly i guess?


can i run 2 routines same time ?
on a PIC you can never run two routines the same time. Only one after the other.

If you can run a 10ms delay once .. then I can´t find why you can´t run it 100 times.

...anywhere in the main loop


Dear Klaus
i've got pic basic pro.
do u suggest to learn the basic language or keep learning assembly ?


this is a "mathematical example" not a program.

it consists of
* two contitional branchs
* a subtract
* and a shift

it should be very easy.

But I don´t know the PIC assembler...


in assembly its complicated alot as i search for tutorials or sample codes
do u suggest basic language ? i was doing well with visual basic along time ago


do u suggest to learn the basic language or keep learning assembly ?
I have no preference.



I have no preference.


ok thx for ur help i'll take some time this evening looking for this i guess its easier to learn the Pic Basic & convert my project to it coz i coulnt find easy ways in Assembly
thx again ur help is very appriciated


You will find Pic Basic Pro to be worth every penny. It will save you hours of coding. On this project and every one to follow.
You will be able to test the value coming from the thermistor several times, and when you get the same value a few times in a row, tell the Micro
to change the LED display to the new reading. This is better than just a delay, because the speed of the temperature value will change upon varying conditions.

i'v found something similar to my problem in Gooligum tuorial (lesson 11 -integer arithmetic and arrays)
i was ignoring on anything tht i dont need in any project i work on
there is a very valuable Info's in this tutorials

- - - Updated - - -

thx Lisa
i have the pic basic pro but i didnt try to use it yet &
i have a good knowledge about Basic along time ago so do u think learning PIC Basic Pro needs the same time to learn how to solve my problem in assembly ?
i'll try to work on it this evening any good start you suggest ?


If you have programmed in Basic before, this will be easy and faster for you to get results than assembly.
I'd start by simply flashing an led on 1 pin of 1 port, and go from there. Try port B pin 1 for simplicity. No need to worry about the open collector output.
On Pin 1 Port A. Use a high output LED and you will get decent brightness without drawing too much current
from the Micro pin. Be to use a 470 Ohm resistor (Approx) to limit current.
Things should go much easier with Pic Basic Pro.
Good Luck!

thx Lisa
i've tried the Blink example with small edit
ive changed the led Varible to PORTB,1
but when i swicth it on the led on portB its not flashing still on all the time
i've tried to change the pause number to 900 but the same& as i see its a simple test but why its not working with me ?
' Configure pins for digital operation (uncomment as needed).
' These settings are intended as simple examples.  For more detail,
' see the appropriate device datasheet for register descriptions.
'ANSEL =  %00000000  ' 16F88, 16F688, 16F690, 16F88x
'ANSELH = %00000000  ' 16F690, 16F88x
ADCON1 = %00000111  ' 16F87x, 16F87xA, 18F452
'ADCON1 = %00001111  ' 18F4620 

LED    VAR  PORTB.1   ' Assign name "LED" to PORTB.0

   High LED        ' Turn on LED connected to PORTB.0
   Pause 500       ' Delay for .5 seconds

   Low LED         ' Turn off LED connected to PORTB.0
   Pause 500       ' Delay for .5 seconds

   Goto mainloop   ' Go back to loop and blink LED forever
im using pic 16F877 with 20 Mhz Crystal

- - - Updated - - -

its Flashing But the delay is about 10 seconds
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