Junior Member level 2

Hi i have been looking around in the forum and not really been able to find a concrete answer to this question. I have a GPS module which has a digital IO of 1.8V, this is supposed to communicate to a 5V micro via serial uart.. Fortunately the RX line of the GPS is designed to handle up to 3.35 V so i belive a couple of fast switching diodes woud do the trick, and at a baudrate of 56000 i dont exepct noise problems(please correct me if im wrong). However the TX line of the GRS has to be raised from 1.8V to 5V. I have seen different options to solve this problem but im not sure which to choose. As i see it there is two options:
Using a comperator

This is quite easy, done it many times.. whoever the bandwith, noise, phase and distortion is a big problem here. -Yes this could be done with a precision OPAMP, but those a costly i dont expect it to work well in the highter baudrates ether..
Using mosfet

This is the most prefered idea, and i see it pop op alot of places.. ofcause the gate thresthold voltage has to be lover than 1.8V, but there is plenty of those.. however am i wrong in my understanding that this setup will invert the signal to the micro? is there another setup that will not inverse the signal?
i am on purpose not using a dedicated logic translater ic since it would be silly when its only one channel..
hope you guys can help
Using a comperator

This is quite easy, done it many times.. whoever the bandwith, noise, phase and distortion is a big problem here. -Yes this could be done with a precision OPAMP, but those a costly i dont expect it to work well in the highter baudrates ether..
Using mosfet

This is the most prefered idea, and i see it pop op alot of places.. ofcause the gate thresthold voltage has to be lover than 1.8V, but there is plenty of those.. however am i wrong in my understanding that this setup will invert the signal to the micro? is there another setup that will not inverse the signal?
i am on purpose not using a dedicated logic translater ic since it would be silly when its only one channel..
hope you guys can help