0.18u technology cadence tool

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May 6, 2006
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cadence 0.18u

hi frenz,

can anyone who is using cadence tool for virtuoso can tell why there r 2 kinds of poly,,, when we use poly 1 & poly2 in r layout......?????

i've used poly1 in the layout but its giving some DRC error,, when i used poly2 instead of poly1 then DRC clean....why so.???

thankyou in advance.

0.18u technology

two polys are often used for capacitor. one poly is used as the gate, another one is only used for capacitor.

0.18 technology cadence

poly can be used to make gate , poly resistance and poly-poly cap. , each poly layer "i think" should be used for certain thing, u should refer to the PDK refrence for details about which poly is used for which thing,
i think that poly1 is used for gate and maybe resistors , while poly2 is used is used for caps. , note also that in caps the poly is required to be conductive as possible "ideally metal cap. which has infinte conductivity", while in resistors u want the resistor to be with low conductivity. " i think there is some special poly called HR (high resistance), but i am not sure , so u should refer to ur PDK to know which is he correct poly and to know also the rules for each layer.

technology 0.18u details

which kit u r using ?
if TSMC, don't use poly2 layer.

poly2 layer cadence

For any given Process, there can be multiple choices of polysilicon level and metal levels. Usually, Poly-1 is used for resistor (both high and low values) and Poly-2 is used as Gate or Top-plate cap. If the total number of metals available is 5, then you can do layout using only 3; there is no need to use all the metal layers.

TSMC has multiple "flavors" within a Process Technology. Do not assume anything. Ask the concerned Prof/Technical Person.


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