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Problem with Inverter's drive

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Newbie level 5
Newbie level 5
Dec 10, 2018
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Dear Sir.
I try to build this configuration but, when I try to raise voltge up to 12 volt the IC IR2110 (which drive ( third switches)IGBT ) burn. Is the problem in the drive circuit? The drive circuit and the IGBT Configuration is attached.

- - - Updated - - -

When I said it work up to 12 volt, I mean input dc volt of the power inverter and beyond 12 volt, the IR2110 of sw3 burn.

you show a partial schematic with 5 IGBT
then a hand drawn optical coupler and FET driver
then a drawing of the FET driver driving one FET
then a drawing of the optical coupler

please draw at least a block diagram showing input, all power components,
the drive configuration for all IGBTs, a timing diagram showing when the various IGBTs are on or off, including dead time

also, a brief description of how its supposed to work

the better information you provide, the better answer you will get.


and because the PCB layout is critical, you should show it, too.


A guess without seeing the full schematic: You are trying to drive a multi-level inverter with IR2110, that's not possible without isolated power supply for each IGBT.

This is the inverter conf.
and the drive conf. which it is the same for all the five sw.
This is the PWM and the dead time between sw 1 and sw 2 IMG_20190509_161758_502.jpg
This is the state of work
by the way this is a unipolar pwm sigle phase inverter with common mode ground.
As I mentioned, when I applied initially 2 volt and increase it up to 12 volt. The IR2110 which drive Sw 3 destroyed.

I build it on a vero board. But I checked it, I swiched the drive of sw 2 with sw 3 also the IR2110 which connected to sw 3 destroyed.


A vero board is not suitable to test switching power applications.

* You need a proper GND plane
* you need low impedance PCB layout
* you need high current paths
* you need isolation for high voltage

None of the above can be guaranteed.

If you do this on a vero board, then expect problems. Even killed devices.

Read and follow design guidelines by:
* IGBT / MOSFET / BJT manufacturers
* gate driver IC manufacturers


And as said you need isolated supplies for the gate drives. So where are you getting 5V and 15V?

You have five MOSFETs, can be driven with 2 1/2 IR2110. You need at least two separate driver supplies, e.g. one tied to S3/S5 source and one to S2 or S1 source.

I used 5 and 15 volt regulator to supply the drive. And another dc supply for power inverter.


is it asking too much for a complete schematic?


I am sorry for inconvenient, I hope this one clear.
This is a drive schematic for one sw. and it is same for rest of switches.


This one the drive with power circuit


you wrote "... it is the same for the rest of the switches."

does that one arduino drive all 5 IGBTs?
or are there 5 arduinos, one per IGBT?

there is one ground symbol connected to the Vss of the IR2110
are all 5 Vss for all 5 IR2110s tied together to that one ground?

there is an 18 V power supply providing gate power
are there 5 18 V supplies, one per IGBT?

or does "... it is the same for the rest of the switches."
mean that 4 other outputs from that same arduino, with the same 18V supply etc etc drive 5 IR2110s and 5 IGBTs?

you also wrote "I used 5 and 15 volt regulator to supply the drive. And another dc supply for power inverter. "
which implies one 18V supply to provide 5 V and 15 V, ( the two 3 terminal regulators) and one other supply for power

are the two power supply return lines tied together?

I mean by "... it is the same for the rest of the switches."
that 4 other outputs from that same arduino, with the same 18V supply etc etc drive 5 IR2110s.

all 5 Vss for all 5 IR2110s tied together to that one ground.
one arduino drive all 5 IGBTs.
are the two power supply return lines tied together?
No, it does'nt tie together.

"which implies one 18V supply to provide 5 V and 15 V, ( the two 3 terminal regulators) and one other supply for power"
Yes, one to provide 5 and 15 volt and other one for power.


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The IR2110 are destroyed if Vs swings below COM respectively circuit ground. That's the case for S3, S5 and possibly S4.

You need to redesign the gate driver topology from the scratch. As said, you need at least two independent 5+15V power supplies. The opto couplers are presently useless by tying the input and output side. Depending on the new grounding scheme, they must isolate between Arduino ground and gate driver grounds.

It's not clear how the inverter power ground and 5/15V ground are related in your present circuit.
You may not have understood what we meant by isolated supply but now is the time to look that up...

The point is that the gate must be driven to, say, 15V above the source. But look at your sources: sometimes the source is at high voltage! That's why you're blowing things up. You need a supply that can 'float' while remaining referenced to the source.

Bootstrapping is an option for the traditional bridge (look that up) but a independent floating supply is needed for S1.

Is there another schematic for driver that can replace the need for floating supply? Or replace ir2110 drive with other IC?

You really need to design with gate drive transformers - some for signal - or use an optocoupler based gate drive and then use other gate drive transformers to get power over to the source/emitter of the power device - so that there is local power for the driving side of the opto coupled solution - or GD Tx coupled solution - to drive the devices that go up and down in volts as they are turned on and off ...

It's not impossible to use IR2110 for this circuit. But you need to understand the requirements of IR2110 high side driver operation.

First point is that Vs must periodically swing down to COM potential, but not much below. This is usually achieved in a half bridge where Vs is connected to the high side source and COM to the low side source node.

The bootstrap operation condition must be fulfilled, no matter if the low side driver of IR2110 is used or not. There are three possible fault conditions:

- you are trying to hold the high side on for longer amount of time -> bootstrap failure
- Vs is pulsing, but not down to COM level -> bootstrap failure
- Vs is swinging below COM level -> bootstrap voltage too high, IR2110 possibly destroyed (your circuit)

I agree with Easy peasy that separate drivers with individual isolated supply or gate transformers are the preferred solution.

A possible solution with IR2110 could drive S3/S2 and S5/S4 as half bridges with an isolated supply referred to S3/S5 source node and S1 by another driver with ground referred to S2 source.

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