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Work routine

Hello readers,
I am writing for my very first post in my very first blog. I would like to share with you some of the bad habits that I used to do at work and fortunately I have changed them into good habits.
I would first quote something my brother heard in a finance course a while ago. "A professional investor looks how an amateur investor works and do the opposite". It is quite surprising for me because usually an amateur looks how professional react and try to do the same. But when I was not performing well, I looked what I do and tries to reverse it.
One of the most important habit is writing. I found out that when I do something or learn it without writing, then it is gone. I developed a routine that I write (most of the working days not necessarily all) what I have done. I write the name of the last working configuration file and what is the performance of this cell. I write notes on layout tricks. I write the principle of the circuits and if possible the values of the circuit components.
One bad habit that always irritated me, is not to ask a technical question. I have been always worried if the question may make me look as incompetent or not smart. I still have the same fear to be honest. But I have discovered that it is worse to continue your design with a wrong concept or misunderstanding. So I ask the question but I still not feel very comfortable asking :shock:
One very important bad habit, is that when you do not have the desire to work or bored, you waste your time. This is really bad. You can do something useful and learn about your colleagues designs or learn a classical or a conventional design. It really helped me a lot. You have to produce a constant average efficiency not a high peak efficiency and very low average one. In an 8 hour working day, I think everyone should at least work 4 hours efficiently. It is definitely better than working 14 hours for one week and work 30 minutes for the next 5 years.
Now the post in the blog I have just written will not go away as it was documented so I would always remind myself with the good habits and most importantly, the bad ones and where they lead to. It is usually not enough to know there is a paradise to work hard to enter but knowing there is a hell to escape is more motivating :smile:
Until next time, I wish you a pleasant day at work and personal life


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