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which is best controller to start

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Newbie level 1
Feb 17, 2004
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I wants to start work on micro controllers please guide me which is the best controller to start work as i am new commer in uc world and which is the best tool for me

Try 8051 family. It is widespread, you can find a lot of books for assembly or C programming, system integration. It is easy to use, rapid learning, and covers a lot of possible embedded applications. Also it is cheap, try flash microcontrollers 89c2051 (small pin count) or 89c52 (large pin count) from atmel. Programmers are cheap either, or if you want you can build one for yourself.

Really, it depends on what you want to acheive. Do you want to learn for fun (a hobby) or as a career to earn your keep?

If it's a career you're after, have a browse around the web and see what people are putting in their products. 8051-type MCU's are probably most popular. Even though the basic architecture is very old, modern 8051 chips have lots of enhancements (even up to built-in ethernet, eg. Dallas DS80C400 - I like this chip!).

The best advice for your career would, in my opinion, be to choose a popular, recent MCU and *stick with it*, learn everything about it and become an expert on that one range of chips. Don't spread yourself too thin by trying to learn many different types. A good saying: "Jack of all trades, Master of None"

On the other hand, if your interests are more hobbiest, then the most important aspects are price, usability and availability in small quantities. PIC's are probably the best for a beginner to play with, and there are a lot of varieties of them for different projects. Atmel are good too, and a bit faster if that's what you need. PIC's and Atmel's also come in easy to use DIP packages, many of the other varieties only come in surface mount.

I only do this for a hobby, although I take it very seriously. I use a lot of PIC's simply because I have a very cheap source of them and they are easy to use. Really, I prefer a nice, powerful 8051-based core, like Texas MSC12xx or Dallas DS80Cxxx, or a RISC core, like Texas MSP430Fxxx - these are much more fun!

Software for most parts is available free to try (usually limited time or memory), some free software is quite powerful (gcc etc), but to really get the best out of an MCU, learn assembler. Even if you still code mainly in C, understanding the MCU's machine code and internals gives you an edge.

Decide what you want to do, then choose accordingly. Ask for some free samples and get the free software, have a play and see if you like your choice. If not, try another.


PIC have a free IDE...very easy to start (very cheap).
U can download it from

I think PIC is good for start .
You Can start learning PIC with PIC16F628.

You will find many Ebooks for PIC learning.


I agree with the others, try a PIC16Cx for starters - has a number of good application notes - and if you have access to a distributer, are pretty good about getting you started with a demo board.


I think that 8051 and pic have old architectures,I suggest you AVR series from atmel with small and easy to use ATtiny devices and large ATmega devices for more complicated designed.

If you want to learn micros for professional tasks ,I think it is better for you to do not waste your time on old micros.

The tools for avr like as c c0mpiler is available from IAR with only 30 day limit for evaluation(no code limit).also you can use ponyprog for burnning your chips.

There are many docs on net on it,there is a forum that you can ask your question about avr(avrfreaks).

Regards :D

Stick with pic , Devan , and you will never go wrong.

I would also recomend the Microchip PIC, i think that the pic16f84 is a great start. You can build your own programmer rather easy or go buy the picstart plus :)

If you need a microcontroller to use for your job, take a look at holtek microcontroller families ( ).. they are a little more powerful than microchip PIC16 family, but are very very cheap MCU, as like as programmer and InCircuitEmulator.
In Italy, I've paid 60 euros for the programmer (which cover all families) and get the ICE for free (in evaluation, for serveral months!)
Also, the free IDE environment (working on windows platform) permit you to write code in mixed C and ASM, with source level debugging and C->ASM translation shown during debugging, so is very easy to develop code, finding the best way to write will-optimized C source.

Holtek MCUs are very good for large volume production (due to its low cost) and simple programs (you have no more than 8kwords of ROM).
But, if you need a more powerful microcontroller, consider the motorola HCS12 family, which has a very powerful compiler (Metrowerks Codewarrior, which is free for <12kbyte of ROM code, but costs about 3000 euros for unlimited banked version) and has nice features like the in-application programmable flash.

Cheers. Paolo

I think that Atmel AVR-s and Basic language on the free version Bascomavr is good for veryfirst step.Programming with STK200 dongle,hi.

My vote is for 89C2051. The resons are the ease of use of C51 software, ample avaialability of tools, example code and projects, easy programmability, re-programmable, cheap, etc etc

I personally started with PIC16F877 over an year ago. I could recommend you it without any doubts. This is the best. It has everything you'll need (and even more).
PIC rules.

surely, 8051 family is best to start and then switch to any pic controllers ,which wo'd be fine.It worked for me. :)

The firsts steps with PIC 16F84, you can know the heart of microcontoller,
with flash memory; you can mistake, no mattter.

The second,the PIC 16F876, with a plethora of characteristics,
but you can´t losse due you know the basics of micros at this moment.

Then you have passed the threshold :)

I like Cypress PSoC as best microcontroller, with inbuilt Analog & Digital Blocks, with 16K Flash and 256 bytes RAM, And in June they are coming with new controller having 32K Flash and 2K RAM.

Easy to use and Free IDE as PSoC Designer and C Compiler cost only 150$ so its cheapest.

To learn , the firsts steps might be the more easy.

If not , the user keeps the MCU in a box and forgotten it.



My vote goes for 8051 family. Especially AT89S52 and P89C51RD2.
Very easy to program in-system wihtout removing the chip.
Debugging is easy and development is fast.
Controllers are also very cheap.
No special programmer required. Just download Philips ISP for RD2, connect your PC's Serial port to controller and start developing.
Many free assemblers, simulators available.
Free C compiler (SDCC) and IDE at h**p://
and lot more..................

1 Year back i have the same question that where to start? and after one year I can say it blindly that nothing is better then PIC. You should start with PIC16F84. This is the best pic for new comers.
Also tryout this website.

good luck.

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