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PSS and large transient plot for SC-CMFB OTA

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Member level 3
Member level 3
Jul 7, 2004
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Hello Everybody,

For my fully differential fold-cascode OTA with SC-CMFB, according to the Ken's paper "Simulating Switched-Capacitor Filters with SpectreRF", I use PSS and can achieve good common mode output voltage results when I let two input signals are disabled. I have used two "vsource" as my two differential inputs, and actually I set type=dc and leave others all blank.

But how can I get large signal transient plot from PSS, which just looks like the transient plot through conventional "tran" analysis. For example, from conventional "tran", normally if we set input with peak-to-peak 1mv sine wave, we can see large signal level in output sine wave, say peak-to-peak 2v~3v in some cases. But with PSS, right now, I only can get differential gain with 4 in rough from the PSS transient plot.

What I tried was to set vsource
and fill "frequency name 1",
"amplitude Vpk",
"phase for sinusoid 1",
and"sine dc level"=2.5v (which is common-mode input).

But It is expected to get 2000~3000 voltage gain.

So what I did wrong? Do I need to fill these specifications to get large signal transient plot in PSS?

Anybody can share his or her experience?

From then on, for PAC, after I set vsource "type=sine" with "display small signal params" and "PAC magnitude", "PAC phase", I got differential gain with 4 and about 10dB.

Any suggestion? Or my circuit indeed has only 10dB gain? I have replaced SC-CMFB with equavilent resistors, its gain goes up to 70dB.

Appreciate your help.

part of the netlist is attached:

// Cell name: fold_cascode_new_lowpower_sc_TG_PNOISE_invclk
// View name: schematic

//two input sources

V4 (Vin net082) vsource type=sine freq=30K ampl=500.0u sinephase=180 \
sinedc=2.5 pacmag=500.0m pacphase=180 fundname="fin"
V1 (Vip net082) vsource dc=0 type=sine freq=30K ampl=500.0u sinedc=2.5 \
pacmag=500.0m fundname="fin"

// two pairs of clock for SC_CMFB

V10 (ph2 0) vsource type=pulse val0=0 val1=5 period=5u delay=200.0n \
rise=500p fall=500p width=2.2u fundname="clk2"
V36 (0 ph1_b) vsource type=pulse val0=5 val1=0 period=5u delay=0 rise=500p \
fall=500p width=2.7u fundname="clk1_b"
V37 (0 ph2_b) vsource type=pulse val0=0 val1=5 period=5u delay=200.0n \
rise=500p fall=500p width=2.2u fundname="clk2_b"
V8 (ph1 0) vsource type=pulse val0=5 val1=0 period=5u delay=0 rise=500p \
fall=500p width=2.7u fundname="clk1"

//PSS and PACsimulation setup
simulatorOptions options reltol=1e-3 vabstol=1e-6 iabstol=1e-12 temp=27 \
tnom=27 scalem=1.0 scale=1.0 gmin=1e-12 rforce=1 maxnotes=5 maxwarns=5 \
digits=5 cols=80 pivrel=1e-3 ckptclock=1800 \
pss pss fund=10K harms=0 errpreset=moderate tstab=1.5m
+ method=gear2only maxacfreq=20M annotate=status
pac pac start=1 stop=300M maxsideband=0 annotate=status
modelParameter info what=models where=rawfile
element info what=inst where=rawfile
outputParameter info what=output where=rawfile
designParamVals info what=parameters where=rawfile
saveOptions options save=allpub

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