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Probelm with modelsim.ini

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Newbie level 4
Jul 12, 2012
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I want to do post route simulation using modelsim SE. I compiled simulation library files in ISE and then took the produced modelsim.ini and put it in my simulation directory. Now that I want to compile post rout model (*_time_sim.vhd) of my design, modelsim gives me this error:
"library simprim not found."

N.B.: I checked content of modelsim.ini that is produced by ISE. It has a variable which points to simprim library and siprim is available on my drive.


Put these lines into modelsim.ini. The path to the compiled libraries will be as set up when you ran compxlib. -see the -dir switch in the modelsim properties tab. Not the most elegant solution but it works

cpld = {path to compiled libraries}/cpld
secureip = {path to compiled libraries}/secureip
xilinxcorelib = {path to compiled libraries}/xilinxcorelib
xilinxcorelib_ver = {path to compiled libraries}/xilinxcorelib_ver
unisim = {path to compiled libraries}/unisim
unisim_ver = {path to compiled libraries}/unisims_ver
simprims_ver = {path to compiled libraries}/simprims_ver
unisims_ver ={path to compiled libraries}/unisims_ver
unimacro_ver = {path to compiled libraries}/unimacro_ver
unimacro = {path to compiled libraries}/unimacro
simprim = {path to compiled libraries}/simprim

Thanks for response. I am a little confused. These lines are already inside the modelsim.ini. If you mean on the original modelsim.ini (The one that is produced after installation of modelsim), I have put the lines and it still gives me the error.

You should have a copy of modelsim.ini in your project directory as this is the one that gets used and updated during simulation runs. The exact syntax depends on your os and where you compiled the libraries.

for windoze this could be : cpld = c:\xilinx\cpld etc
for linux: cpld = /home/user/cpld etc.

Also be aware that some lines in those modelsim.ini depend on environment variables being setup correctly.

Thanks for your help. I set the environment variable correctly. The problem is that Modelsim will not load modelsim.ini when I open *.mpf file for my project. But when I change directory through file-> change directory the xilinx libraries will be loaded but this time project files will not be loaded.

So what have you set your env variables to?

Two of them is related to license: LM_LICENSE_FILE, MGLS_LICENSE_FILE.
There is one with the name: MODELSIM which points to modelsimi.ini that is produced by xilinx.
PATH and MODEL points to C:\modeltech_6.5\win32 that contains modelsim.exe.

MODELSIM sounds right. That should be the modelsim.ini that the xilinx tool generated.

You should check the contents of that modelsim.ini file. Does it contain something like this:

others = $MODEL_TECH/../modelsim.ini

Note the $MODEL_TECH instead of $MODEL. The .ini file references against your env vars. So if under Library it references $MODEL_TECH then you need to set MODEL_TECH as well. The value should be what you currently have in $MODEL.

Hope that helps.

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