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Plotting characteristics curve of Phase-frequency detector (PFD)

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I did what you said, then the only difference with the previous simulation is there is a .sn0 now

.option POST
.temp 25
.GLOBAL gnd! vdd!

.param fund_period=2n
.param delta_phase_deg=0.0
.param tdelay='(delta_phase_deg/360)*fund_period'

xi12 vdd! down up out_clk ref_clk start pfdv2_sch
v17 start gnd! dc=0 pulse ( 0 1.8 500p 1p 0 0.5 1)

v16 out_clk gnd! dc=0 pulse(0 1.8 '1.1*fund_period+tdelay'
+ 5p 5p 'fund_period/2' fund_period)

v2  ref_clk gnd! dc=0 pulse(0 1.8 '1.1*fund_period'
+ 5p 5p 'fund_period/2' fund_period)

v5 vdd! gnd! dc=1.8
c18 vctrl- gnd! c=.8p
c7 vctrl+ gnd! c=.8p
xi17 down up vctrl+ vctrl- cpv2_sch

.tran .1n 75n start=0
.sn tres='fund_period/10' period=fund_period
+ trinit='5*fund_period' maxtrinitcycles=5
+ sweep delta_phase_deg lin 101 -360 360
.op All 0
.option opfile=1 split_dp=1

.probe i1(c7)
.probe i2(c18)

I did what you said, then the only difference with the previous simulation is there is a .sn0 now
Show me time domain waveform of ref_clk and out_clk of .sn0.
I don't mean .tr0.

.option POST
.temp 25
.GLOBAL gnd! vdd!
c18 vctrl- gnd! c=.8p
c7 vctrl+ gnd! c=.8p
.probe i1(c7)
.probe i2(c18)
.probe snfd i(c7)[0]
.probe snfd ir(c7)[0]
.probe snfd i(c18)[0]
.probe snfd ir(c18)[0]
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Show me time domain waveform of ref_clk and out_clk of .sn0

.probe snfd i(c7)[0]
.probe snfd ir(c7)[0]
.probe snfd i(c18)[0]
.probe snfd ir(c18)[0]
I also tried putting this into the netlist and got a .snf0 file

Show me time domain waveform of i(c18) and i(c7) of .sn0.
Here you have to insert followings.
.probe i(c18) i(c7)

Show me time domain waveform of i(c18) and i(c7) of .sn0
But can't see any i(c18) and i(c7).

I already inserted the .probe i(c18) i(c7) as what you advised.

.option POST
.temp 25

.GLOBAL gnd! vdd!

.param fund_period=2n
.param delta_phase_deg=0.0
.param tdelay='(delta_phase_deg/360)*fund_period'

xi12 vdd! down up out_clk ref_clk start pfdv2_sch
v17 start gnd! dc=0 pulse ( 0 1.8 500p 1p 0 0.5 1)

v16 out_clk gnd! dc=0 pulse(0 1.8 '1.1*fund_period+tdelay'
+ 5p 5p 'fund_period/2' fund_period)

v2  ref_clk gnd! dc=0 pulse(0 1.8 '1.1*fund_period'
+ 5p 5p 'fund_period/2' fund_period)

v5 vdd! gnd! dc=1.8
c18 vctrl- gnd! c=.8p
c7 vctrl+ gnd! c=.8p
xi17 down up vctrl+ vctrl- cpv2_sch

.tran .1n 75n start=0
.sn tres='fund_period/10' period=fund_period
+ trinit='5*fund_period' maxtrinitcycles=5
+ sweep delta_phase_deg lin 101 -360 360
.op All 0
.option opfile=1 split_dp=1

.probe i1(c7)
.probe i1(c18)
.probe snfd i(c7)[0]
.probe snfd ir(c7)[0]
.probe snfd i(c18)[0]
.probe snfd ir(c18)[0]
.probe i(c18) i(c7)


  • lkd.png
    11.2 KB · Views: 114

Sorry try
.probe sn i(c18) i(c7)

.probe snfd i(18) i(c7)
.probe snfd i(18)[0] i(c7)[0]

.probe snfd ir(c18) ir(c7)
.probe snfd ir(c18)[0] ir(c7)[0]

Plot i(c18) and i(c7) of "input.sn0".

Your results of ir1(c18):(0) and ir1(c7):(0) are both extraordinary.

Plot i(c18) and i(c7) of "input.snf0", here you have to select real() and index=0 from Custom waveView.

Try inseart follwing into netlist.
.measure sn In AVG i(c18)
.measure sn Ip AVG i(c7)
.measure sn Ipump param='In+Ip'
And plot them. Show me results.
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Plot i(c18) and i(c7) of "input.sn0" are reasonable.

Try following
.sn tone='1/fund_period' nharms=10
+ trinit='5*fund_period' maxtrinitcycles=5
+ sweep delta_phase_deg lin 101 -360 360
instead of
.sn tres='fund_period/10' period=fund_period
+ trinit='5*fund_period' maxtrinitcycles=5
+ sweep delta_phase_deg lin 101 -360 360
Then plot ir1(c18):(0) and ir1(c7):(0) of .snf0.

You use "HSPICE RF -- D-2010.03-SP2 (Aug 26 2010)".
It is relative old.
Do you have newer version ?

Then plot ir1(c18):(0) and ir1(c7):(0) of .snf0

You use "HSPICE RF -- D-2010.03-SP2 (Aug 26 2010)".
It is relative old.
Do you have newer version ?
Yeah its pretty old, and its the only version our school provides.

In #29, x-axis is phase from -360 to 360.

Since you sweep "delta_phase_deg",
dependencies of data in "*.sn0" are [delta_phase_deg, time],
dependencies of data in "*.snf0" are [delta_phase_deg, harmonic_index].

For example, ir1(c1):0 in "*.snf0" mean real part of i1(c1) for harmonic_index=0,
so its dependecy, that is, x-axsis is "delta_phase_deg".
However it is not in #35.

Show me netlist again.

For a demonstration of using Shooting Newton analysis you can run the pdfcpGain.sp file shipped with the HSPICE RF distribution, located in the directory $<installdir>/hspicerf/examples.
This example performs analysis on a D-flipflop phase frequency divider with charge pump, implemented in 50nm technology.
The example is configured to measure the gain (volts per degree) of the DFF PFD and tri-state output combination.
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.option POST
.temp 25

.GLOBAL gnd! vdd!

.param fund_period=2n
.param delta_phase_deg=0.0
.param tdelay='(delta_phase_deg/360)*fund_period'

xi12 vdd! down up out_clk ref_clk start pfdv2_sch
v17 start gnd! dc=0 pulse ( 0 1.8 500p 1p 0 0.5 1)

v16 out_clk gnd! dc=0 pulse(0 1.8 '1.1*fund_period+tdelay'
+ 5p 5p 'fund_period/2' fund_period)

v2  ref_clk gnd! dc=0 pulse(0 1.8 '1.1*fund_period'
+ 5p 5p 'fund_period/2' fund_period)

v5 vdd! gnd! dc=1.8
c18 vctrl- gnd! c=.8p
c7 vctrl+ gnd! c=.8p
xi17 down up vctrl+ vctrl- cpv2_sch

.tran .1n 75n start=0
.sn tone='1/fund_period' nharms=10
+ trinit='5*fund_period' maxtrinitcycles=5
+ sweep delta_phase_deg lin 101 -360 360

.op All 0
.option opfile=1 split_dp=1

.probe i1(c7)
.probe i1(c18)
.probe snfd i(c7)[0]
.probe snfd i(c18)[0]
.probe snfd i(c18) i(c7)
.probe snfd i(c18)[0] i(c7)[0]

.probe snfd ir(c18)[0]
.probe snfd ir(c7)[0]
.probe snfd ir(c18) ir(c7)
.probe snfd ir(c18)[0] ir(c7)[0]

.probe sn i(c18) i(c7)

.measure sn Ip AVG i(c18)
.measure sn In AVG i(c7)
.measure sn Ipump param='In+Ip'


.probe i1(c7)
.probe i1(c18)
.probe snfd i(c7)[0]
.probe snfd i(c18)[0]
*.probe snfd i(c18) i(c7)
*.probe snfd i(c18)[0] i(c7)[0]

.probe snfd ir(c18)[0]
.probe snfd ir(c7)[0]
*.probe snfd ir(c18) ir(c7)
*.probe snfd ir(c18)[0] ir(c7)[0]

.probe sn i(c18) i(c7)

I inserted the lines in #38... Here is the plot for ir1(c18):(0) and ir1(c7):(0) of .snf0

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