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PCB routing over a scaned picture

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how to convert scanned images to pcb

I have pcbs and I scaned them to draw a similar PCBs,how can I put these JPG pictures in a cad program like protel to draw the tracks on an another layer over the picture that I scaned them ?


pcb background bmp

You can use CirCad and BMP files.

Save it as a bitmap (.BMP) file, then use the attached program to create a Pr0tel PCB layer.

what will it convert?
BITMAP to Protel, which layer?

It converts bitmap to Pr0tel - you specifiy the layer. (You could always change it later from inside the PCB editor anyway).

hf2050 said:
You can use CirCad and BMP files.
are you shore about this?
how i can modiffy the board after i convert bmp file in circad file?...if i want to change a footprint for some components for example...

don't work
i use this program...i make a .pcb file from a .bmp....i convert this file for Orcad and the results are not so good :(

hf2050 wrote:
You can use CirCad and BMP files.

are you shore about this?
how i can modiffy the board after i convert bmp file in circad file?...if i want to change a footprint for some components for example...

There is no converting BMP in circad file.
Read "CirCad" manual, BMP picture is in background.
Over it you can place pads and or components and routing

don't work
i use this program...i make a .pcb file from a .bmp....i convert this file for Orcad and the results are not so good

If you mean that the bitmap to PCB converter didn't work - it's probably because you didn't make the bitmap file 1:1 scale. Your jpg file is low resolution, so the bitmap image comes out small (about .8inx.5in). When you run the converter on it, you get a .5in square "blob" of fills. When you try to scan in an image to directly convert to a PCB, you have to make the scanned image high resolution, and nearly exactly the size of the actual board. Use the properties menu in your graphics program to look at the size and resolution of your image.

The same applies if you using CIRCAD. The .bmp needs to be 1:1 otherwise you layout out your board to the wrong size. In CIRCAD your “overlaying” pads and traces on top of the bmp image. When done, release the .bmp image and you have a board layout of pads and traces keyed to the ones on the .bmp. or the original board. I recently did that with a garage door opener in which I wanted to use the original key fob enclosure but replace the old technology inside. I needed to maintain the original board profile and pushbutton locations. A scanned image (.bmp) of the board worked very well.

this is my opinion only..i know that protel could import .dwg files perfectly with perfect, if u used sketchup u could convert ur scanned jpeg/bmp into a nice acad base drawing..but, i never tried that u might wana give a shot and tell us about it..all the best then

The same applies if you using CIRCAD. The .bmp needs to be 1:1 otherwise you layout out your board to the wrong size. In CIRCAD your “overlaying” pads and traces on top of the bmp image.

In circad you can adjust bmp file like you need or want, no matter what
resolution is or is it in scale 1:1.

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